山中 英明 河嶌 泰子 潮 秀樹 大島 敏明
一般社団法人 日本調理科学会
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.31, no.3, pp.206-213, 1998-08-20 (Released:2013-04-26)

The comparison of extractive components and antibacterial activities was carried out in the ink of four species of squids and two species of octopuses. The results obtained were summarized as follows:(1) Total amounts of free amino acids were high in the ink of webfoot octopus, common octopus and common squid, and low in other squids ink. Taurine was contained in large amounts in each ink generally, and glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, proline, tyrosine, arginine and leucine were rich in the ink of webfoot octopus, common octopus and common squid.(2) Succinic acid and lactic acid were detected in fairly large amounts in the ink of pharaoh squid and octopus, respectively.(3) The level of glycinebetaine was over 1% in the ink of webfoot octopus and common squid.(4) The levels of taste-active components were higher in octopus ink than squid ink.(5) The increase of volatile basic nitrogen was suppressed by adding ink to the muscles of squid and octopus. The ink of squid and octopus showed antibacterial activities, and the degree of the antibacterial activity of each ink was considered to be nearly the same.(6) The ink of squid and octopus inhibited the formation of acetic acid, and in the muscle of octopus the formation of putrescine was inhibited by the ink of squid and octopus. Octopus ink also inhibited the formation of formic acid.
山中 英明

岩本 宗昭 井岡 久 斉藤 素子 山中 英明
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.51, no.3, pp.443-446, 1985
18 35

Influences of storage temperatures on the prolongation of <i>pre-rigor</i> period of sea bream <i>Pagrus major</i> were examined. The amounts of ATP in the muscle of sea bream decreased more rapidly and <i>rigor mortis</i> proceeded faster at 0°C than at 10°C. In the muscle stored at 10°C the onset of <i>rigor mortis</i> occurred seven hours later than at 0°C. The formation of lactic acid in the muscle of sea bream was parallel with the development of <i>rigor mortis, i.e.</i>, the large amounts of ATP supplied through glycolysis were considered to be used as the contraction energy. K value as the index of freshness at 10°C was twice as high as at 0°C, however, after 48h of storage at 10°C it was below 10% which is thought to be very fresh. The production of inosinic acid during the storage at 0°C was more prompt than at 10°C. The decrease in ATP amounts was also examined in the muscle of plaice <i>Paralichthys olivaceus</i> stored at -3°C, 0°C, 5°C and 10°C. At -3°C and 0°C ATP decomposed very rapidly, followed by 5°C and most slowly at 10°C.
塩見 一雄 田中 栄治 熊谷 純智 山中 英明 菊池 武昭 河端 俊治
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.50, no.2, pp.341-347, 1984-02-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
6 7

It is said that, during the thawing of frozen puffer fish, muscle becomes toxic due to the migration of toxin (tetrodotoxin) from toxic viscera and skin. In this study, the extent of toxification of muscle after thawing at 4°C was examined using slowly or quickly frozen puffer fish Fugu niphobles. No significant difference in the extent of toxification of muscle was observed between slowly frozen specimens and quickly frozen ones. The muscle of most specimens was found to be toxic (up to 58 MU/g) even immediately after the first thawing. The migration of toxin into muscle from toxic tissues progressed gradually with the time elapsed after thawing; several specimens showed a strong toxicity of more than 100 MU/g after 24 and 48 h from the end point of thawing. The toxicity of muscle at the second thawing was failry low as compared with that at the first thawing probably because of the difference of muscle parts used for toxicity test. In the case of half-thawed specimens, the toxin did not migrate into muscle from toxic tissues.
岩本 宗昭 山中 英明 阿部 宏喜 渡部 終五 橋本 周久
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.56, no.1, pp.93-99, 1990-01-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
30 32

Yellowtail, bartailed flathead and Japanese striped knifejaw were spiked at the brain, and stored at O°and 10°C. Yellowtail set in rigor-mortis after 2h, irrespective of storage temperature, attaining the full-rigor state after 7h at O°C and 15h at 10°C. Rigor-mortis of bartailed flathead started after 10h at O°C and 13h at 10°C. This species reached the full-rigor state after 20h at O°C and 40h at 10°C. In the case of Japanese striped knifejaw, rigor-mortis began to appear immediately after killing at O°C whereas after 4h at 10°C. The full-rigor state was attained with this fish after 13 and 20h, respectively, in the above order of storage temperature. Therefore, rigor-mortis proceeded roughly two times slower at 10°C than at O°C, regardless of fish species. In accordance with rigor-mortis progress, the muscle of each species showed a 2-3 times slower decrease of ATP concentration when stored at 10°C than when stored at O°C. Disappearance of creatine phosphate preceded that of ATP while lactate accumulation was nearly maximal when ATP disappeared, irrespective of fish species and storage temperature. No marked differences in initial ATP concentration were observed among the fish species examined. The highest lactate level was encountered in yellowtail which exhibited the fastest progress of rigor-mortis at either storage temperature. Japanese striped knifejaw showed a much lower accumulation of lactate than yellowtail, the accumulation of which was even lower than that in bartailed flathead. On the other hand, rigormortis progress of Japanese striped knifejaw was comparable to that of yellowtail and somewhat faster than that of bartailed flathead.
松本 美鈴 山中 英明
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.58, no.4, pp.787-791, 1992 (Released:2008-02-29)
3 1

Culinary “arai” was prepared by washing the muscles from the legs of live tanner crab in water at 0°C for 2 min, at 18°C for 1 min, and at 49°C for 20s, respectively. Sensory panel members distinguished “arai” prepared at 49°C from the others, in addition to which they showed an overall preference for it. “Arai” prepared at 49°C was significantly opaque, elastic, and tasty. After “arai” treatments, ATP and arginine phosphate decreased and lactate increased in the muscle, especially in “arai” prepared at 49°C. This means that a rapid degradation of ATP, which was produced from arginine phosphate and glycolysis, occurred in the “arai” treatment at 49°C. In addition, it was observed that muscle fiber curved distinctly in optical microscopy of “arai” prepared at 49°C. The total amounts of free amino acids were lower in “arai” prepared at 49°C than in the others. The amounts of glucose, organic acids except lactate, and homarine did not differ among the three “arai” samples. However, a large amount of AMP was accumulated and GMP was detected in “arai” prepared at 49°C. These results suggested that AMP and GMP in “arai” prepared at 49°C contributed to its strong taste. The composition of extractive components in “arai” prepared at 49°C was similar to that of cooked tanner crab muscle.
山中 英明 菊池 武昭 天野 慶之
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.43, no.1, pp.115-120, 1977

The level of sulfur dioxide in the muscle portion of imported frozen prawn treated with sodium bisulfite ranged from 10 to 30ppm, which was below the permissible residual amount (100ppm) designated in the food additives standard under the Japanese Food Sanitation Law. However, at the same time, 4 to 6ppm of formaldehyde was detected in the muscle.<br> When the Japanese prawn (<i>Penaeus japonicus</i> B<sub>ATE</sub>) was dipped in 0.5% solution of sodium bisulfite, 40ppm of sulfur dioxide was recovered in the muscle immediately after the treatment, and 0.6ppm and 1.5ppm of formaldehyde were produced after 2 days of cold storage at 3°C and after 2 months of frozen storage at -20°C respectively, while no formaldehyde was detected in the muscle of the untreated prawn. It may be presumed that formaldehyde was generated from trimethylamine oxide in the muscle of prawn by a non-enzymatic reaction as a result of the treatment with sodium bisulfite.<br> Sulfur dioxide in the muscle and shell of prawn decreased considerably during frozen as well as cold storage.
山中 英明
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.60, no.5, pp.515-519, 2009 (Released:2011-11-22)
山中 英明 久能 昌朗 塩見 一雄 菊池 武昭
Japanese Society for Food Hygiene and Safety
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.24, no.5, pp.454-458_1, 1983-10-05 (Released:2009-12-11)
6 7

シュウ酸に基質特異性があり, 感度のよい酵素法の適用を検討し, さらに各種食品中の含量を測定した. 定量はシュウ酸に oxalate decarboxylase を作用させてギ酸にし, 次いで nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NAD) とともに formate dehydrogenase を作用させ, NADHの生成に伴う340nmの吸光度の増加量から算出した. 植物性食品61種, 動物性食品30種のシュウ酸を測定したところ, 高含量のものは植物性食品に限られ, ホウレンソウの1,760mg/100gを最高に, ツルナ894mg/100g, 緑茶426mg/100gなどが高く, 水産物ではアオノリ193mg/100g, テングサ165mg/100gなど海藻にかなり高いものがあった. 動物性食品はいずれも低含量であり, 魚肉0.3~3.7mg/100g, 牛肉8.0mg/100gであった. ホウレンソウの生長に伴いシュウ酸含量が増加すること本認めた.
畑江 敬子 松本 美鈴 島田 淳子 山中 英明 渡部 終五 橋本 周久
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.56, no.9, pp.1521-1525, 1990
5 3

The dorsal muscle of a carp was sliced into pieces 3mm thick, and six kinds of "arai" were prepared by washing the slices in water of regulated temperature for a specific time: 3 or 5 min in 0°C water, 70 s or 3 min in 18°C water, and 20 s or 70 s in 49°C water.<br> The physical property of "arai" was determined by 7 types of measurement. Factor analysis showed that physical properties, of all kinds of "arai" differed significantly from those of untreated fish slices and that "arai" at 0°C and 18°C treatments resembled each other. Treatment at 49°C yielded different results from the others. Sensory panel members could not discriminate the texture of 0°C and 18°C treatment, though they could discriminate 49°C treatment from the others. All of these samples at 0, 18, and 49°C treatment, were judged to be satisfactory.<br> After "arai" treatment, ATP content in the fish slices decreased; the higher the tem-perature of treatment, the more the ATP content decreased.<br> Scanning electron micrography, showed fewer lipid droplets on the surface of the "arai" slices than on that of untreated fish slices. "Arai" at 49°C treatment was smooth, so we presumed that there was thermal denaturation on the surface. Slight gaps between muscle fibers were found, which were not found in the case of untreated fish slices.
山中 英明 松本 美鈴
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.28, no.1, pp.20-23, 1995-02-20

スズキの背肉を用い, 洗いによる筋肉の変化を明らかにすることを目的として本研究を行い, 以下の結果を得た。1) 0℃・5分および18℃・3分洗いでは洗い前に比べ, ATPおよび関連化合物総量はやや減少したが, 組成には大きな変化はなかった。2) 49℃・20秒洗いはATPが著しく減少して1μmol/g以下となり, 一方, IMPは著しく増加した。縮みが強く, 透明感はなかったが, 歯切れがよいと判定された。 3) 洗いによってグリコーゲンの分解は著しかった。G6PとF6Pは洗い前後でそれ程差異はみられなかったが, FDPは洗い温度に関係なく約5倍に増加した。乳酸は49℃・20秒洗いで顕著な増加がみられた。すなわち, 49℃洗いでは解糖の進行によって補給されたATPが硬直エネルギーとして使われ, 強い収縮が起きたと考えられる。4) 45℃~50℃の温度帯で20秒間洗いを行ったところ, ATPおよび関連化合物の組成はほぼ一定であり, IMPがその過半を占めた。スズキの湯洗い温度は46℃~47℃が最適であった。5) 18℃・3分洗いを行い, Ca^<2+>およびMg^<2+>イオンの影響を調べたところ, Ca^<2+>洗いではATPの分解とIMPの生成が顕著であった。縮みが強く, 湯洗いと同様な外観であった。一方, Mg^<2+>洗いでは洗い前とほとんど同じで, 縮みはみられなかった。
松本 美鈴 山中 英明
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.58, no.4, pp.787-791, 1992
3 1

Culinary "<i>arai</i>" was prepared by washing the muscles from the legs of live tanner crab in water at 0°C for 2 min, at 18°C for 1 min, and at 49°C for 20s, respectively.<br> Sensory panel members distinguished "<i>arai</i>" prepared at 49°C from the others, in addition to which they showed an overall preference for it. "<i>Arai</i>" prepared at 49°C was significantly opaque, elastic, and tasty. After "<i>arai</i>" treatments, ATP and arginine phosphate decreased and lactate increased in the muscle, especially in "<i>arai</i>" prepared at 49°C. This means that a rapid degradation of ATP, which was produced from arginine phosphate and glycolysis, occurred in the "<i>arai</i>" treatment at 49°C. In addition, it was observed that muscle fiber curved distinctly in optical microscopy of "<i>arai</i>" prepared at 49°C. The total amounts of free amino acids were lower in "<i>arai</i>" prepared at 49°C than in the others. The amounts of glucose, organic acids except lactate, and homarine did not differ among the three "<i>arai</i>" samples. However, a large amount of AMP was accumulated and GMP was detected in "<i>arai</i>" prepared at 49°C. These results suggested that AMP and GMP in "<i>arai</i>" prepared at 49°C contributed to its strong taste. The composition of extractive components in "<i>arai</i>" prepared at 49°C was similar to that of cooked tanner crab muscle.
山中 英明 河嶌 泰子 潮 秀樹 大島 敏明
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.31, no.3, pp.206-213, 1998-08-20

4種類のイカ墨および2種類のタコ墨のエキス成分ならびに抗菌性の比較をおこない, 次の結果を得た。(1) 遊離アミノ酸総量はイイダコ, マダコ, スルメイカの墨において高かったが, 他のイカ墨では低かった。タウリンはいずれの墨にも高含量含まれていた。グルタミン酸, グリシン, アラニン, プロリン, チロシン, アルギニン, ロイシンがイイダコ, マダコ, スルメイカに高含量検出された。(2) 有機酸としてはコハク酸がトラフコウイカに, 乳酸がマダコとイイダコにかなり高含量検出された。(3) グリシンベタインがイイダコとスルメイカに1%以上含有されていた。(4) タコ墨の方がイカ墨より呈味に関与するエキス成分含量が高かった。(5) イカ墨, タコ墨をイカ, タコそれぞれの筋肉に添加すると揮発性塩基窒素(VBN)の上昇を抑えた。すなわち, イカ墨, タコ墨ともに抗菌性が認められ, 抗菌性の強さはほぼ同程度と考えられた。(6) イカ墨, タコ墨ともに酢酸の生成ならびにタコ筋肉のプトレシンの生成を抑えた。また, タコ墨はギ酸の生成も抑えた。
川嶋 かほる 山中 英明
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.58, no.11, pp.2175-2180, 1992
21 43

Scallop adductor muscle was examined for changes in contents of ATP and its related com-pounds, arginine phosphate, octopine, arginine, polyamines, and lactic acids during storage at 5, 0, and -3°C.<br> The decrease in ATP and arginine phosphate and the increase in octopine were faster at -3, 0, and 5°C, in that order. During storage, a low level of AMP accumulation, a rapid increase in inosine, and a gradual increase in hypoxanthine were observed. The K value increased fastest at -3°C, and slowest at 5°C, as opposed to the case of fish and prawn. However, results of sensory evaluation indicated that decomposition progressed fastest at 5°C. IMP as well as adenosine was detected during storage, suggesting AMP degraded through two pathways. L-Lactic acid was detected in a small amount, but D-lactic acid was detected in a fairly large amount and accumulated as decomposition progressed. Not only octopine but also D-lactic acid was thought to be the end-products of glycolysis in scallop adductor muscle. As for polyamines, agmatine, putrescine, cadaverine, and tryptamine were detected as decomposition progressed.