鈴木 理 土田 了輔 廣瀬 勝弘 鈴木 直樹
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.25, no.2, pp.7-23, 2003

Although there are several types of ball games, the essential component in all such games is a competition leading to a future unknown result. Clarifying the structure of games based on the objective of competition, the competitive task, and the method selected for such task-solving, this article argues for a new theory of classification for ball games.<br>Ball games include two distinct procedures: active competition aimed at influencing the unknown future result and the imposition of an agreed upon organization for scoring and timing of play period. The objective of the active competition phase consists of engaging in one of the following enterprises: ball-progressing (or multiple ball progressing in the case of golf or bowling) to an objective point or individual player movement to an objective point. Ball and player progressing is accomplished through offensive or defensive group or individual activity.<br>Considering these elements, ball games can be classified into three categories: breakthrough games, target-shooting games, and base-running games. Furthermore, based on the layered structure of defensive interface and the selected method of ball-progressing corresponding to that structure, breakthrough games were further divided into five sub categories.<br>Those findings provide a model for physical education teachers attempting to utilize the ball game as teaching material.


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鈴木 理 , 土田 了輔 , 廣瀬 勝弘 , 鈴木 直樹「ゲームの構造からみた球技分類試論」『体育・スポーツ哲学研究』25(2)、2003年。https://t.co/oiABvDuRjO

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