筒井 廣明 管 直樹 山口 光國 山本 龍二 三原 研一 保刈 成 上里 元 鈴木 一秀 大島 和 内川 友義
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.19, no.2, pp.310-316, 1995

Purpose<br>The purpose of this study is to recognize the effect of exercise for cuff muscles using EMG.<br>Materials and Methods<br>5 healthy young men, aged from 17 to 29 yrs., were examined. The "resisted external rotation"exercise for the infraspinatus muscle was estimated. The Cuff-Y exercise with a yellow Thera-Band and F. W. Jobe's strengthening exercise with a 1.5kg weight were compared. During the exercises, the infraspinatus, the supraspinatus, the deltoid, and the middle fiber of the trapezius were examined with EMG. The EMG was recorded continuously from the beginning for 5 minutes.<br>Results<br>The exercise withe the yellow Thera-Band could dominate the activity of the infraspinatus muscle compared to other muscles. As for the exercises with a 1.5kg weight, it was difficult to keep the activity of the infraspinatus advantageous and the 5 volunteers demonstrated five different patterns of muscle activity. Furthermore, the relative activity of the infraspinatus gradually decreased with time.<br>Conclusion<br>Exercises for cuff muscles should be carried out to keep the dominant activity of the targeted muscle compared to other muscles. The setting of the load and time limit both failed and the purpose of the exercise could not be attained.


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