土倉 英志
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.155-172, 2014

Many cognitive scientists have studied people's use of tools and artifacts, in other<br> words, resources. However, there are two features of resources that have not been ad-<br>dressed by cognitive scientists. The first is the configuration of resources. Resources<br> do not exist scatteredly; they exist in an order. Actions are organized in accordance<br> with the order of resources. Therefore, it is important to consider the configuration of<br> resources when studying people's actions in everyday life. The second feature that has<br> not been addressed is that people arrange resources in their environment to conduct<br> everyday life and work well. To clarify the features supporting everyday life based on<br> these two points, I believe that it is important to examine the adjusted relationship<br> between actions and resources and its attendant developmental processes. Therefore, I<br> propose a perspective called the development of functional systems. Functional systems<br> consist of actions and resources; the relationship between actions and resources adjust<br> as time progresses. I call this process of change in the relationship between actions and<br> resources the development of functional systems. Based on this proposal, I examine the<br> theme of human agency, learning, and child development from the perspective of the<br> development of functional systems. At the end, I discuss the limitations of this paper<br> and suggest directions for future research.


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CiNii 論文 -  行為と資源の調整された関係性として日常を理解すること : 機能システムの発達という視点 (特集 Everyday Thingsの認知科学) http://t.co/O0l8Uu3s01 #CiNii

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