平井 直樹 石田 潤一郎 池上 重康
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.689, pp.1621-1630, 2013

This paper examines the writings of Riemon UNO and his association, Kogyokyoikukai, focusing on workers' housing especially dormitories. It can be read how the third party grasped the matters relating to workers' dormitories. They introduced the "model" dormitories from the point of view of the sound development of industries in Japan. On the assumption that the primordial matters behind of the dormitory system cannot immediately be solved, "model" dormitories were as cases that should be referred to for a problem how improve them while making use of an advantage in protection and the management of the workers.


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