加藤 博章
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.13, no.1, pp.37-44, 2015

At the August 2 1990, the Gulf crisis broke out. The United States was seeking the cooperation of the SDF dispatch and funding cooperation in Japan. The Government of Japan was refused dispatch of Self-Defense Forces from the context of Article 9 and accepted other support including financial supports. However, the US Congress and the US media criticized reluctant the correspondence of the Japanese government. Japanese government considered personnel support without using Self-Defense Forces, but Japanese government could not be realized. As a result, Japanese response after the Gulf crisis is described as "Gulf trauma". The main factors that led to this situation was in Japan's political situation at the time. At the time, Liberal Democratic Party was not a majority in the House of Councilors. Therefore, Japanese government needed to assistance by opposition party like Socialist party or Komeito. However, the opposition was reluctant to support to the multinational force. Japanese government was difficult to appeal actively support measures at home and abroad by paying mind for opposition party. In addition, there was also bad timing such as to announce support measures after the additional burden resolution voting against Japan in the US Congress, Japan for the Gulf crisis from the United States Congress and the media, are able to receive it and are taking a passive response, it is they've decided that criticism.


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"橋本…外務省、そして米国との意見調整が不十分なまま資金提供を約束""米国メディアが日本を批判したのは、人的貢献が出来なかったからではなく、日本が行う民生協力の規模が不十分であると考えたため" →政治過程

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