黒岩 千尋 中川 武 溝口 明則
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.719, pp.195-202, 2016

One of the greatest characteristics of Preah Vihear Temple is the repeatedly pairs of "口-shape" "田-shape" building. These buildings called "annexed building" are almost limited to guideline on research, and they were not deemed about functions and features. Originally in Khmer temple architecture, architectural styles and functions of the main constituent building like main tower and library are not particularly changed, in contrast, vigorous emergence of "田-shape" architectural style is remarkable. This paper focuses on "annexed building" especially "口-shape" and "田-shape" buildings in Preah Vihear Temple, to consider the significance of these buildings and its transition process by comparison of spatial characteristics, temple layout, and functions, "annexed building" shows the transition tendency of whole picture of Khmer architecture. Through the analysises, this paper points out the characteristics of Preah Vihear Temple as "vertically-oriented" layout temple and the provincial city in flourishing ages of Khmer empire.


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こんな論文どうですか? プレア・ヴィヘア寺院の「口の字」型・「田の字」型建築形式について:-「付属建物」に見るクメール建築変遷史の考察-(黒岩 千尋ほか),2016 https://t.co/KCfSlmeT7D

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