加藤 司 長山 格 玉城 史朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 (ISSN:09136339)
vol.139, no.2, pp.127-135, 2019

<p>We developed a mobile learning system for fishery and ocean techniques using video contents. The system aims to improve the current situation in the field of education on fishery and ocean for skill succession. The proposal is based on the industry-school education process for skill succession. By accessing the web site and watching practical videos, the users can learn methodologies on fishery and ocean. As a result, we showed that the system is effective for sharing and succession of techniques for the learner. Application of the proposed system in the class showed improvement in the students' autonomous learning.</p>


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産学連結技能伝承プロセスに基づく水産・海洋技術モバイルラーニングシステムの開発 : https://t.co/LRYPqYieqc

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