加藤 司 長山 格 玉城 史朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.141, no.2, pp.161-167, 2021

<p>We developed a fishery and marine skill learning support system as a self-training teaching material. In this study, we evaluated the usefulness of the proposed system by using text mining and searched for the points to be improved in this system. Using this system, we conducted a survey among the students of a fisheries high school using an evaluation sheet with free-form answering. From the results, we extracted five points, namely "learning method using this system", "video operation and technology confirmation", "promotion of understanding by this system", "skill learning at home", and "fun to learn fisheries skills". Among these five points, "promotion of understanding by this system", in which an understanding of the skill is promoted through explanations of skill and skill videos, was evaluated positively. It was also found that a review is effective in utilizing this system. As a point to be improved, it was found that narration should be provided along with the presentation of the subtitles.</p>
城間 康 安富祖 仁 斎藤 秀和 長山 格 玉城 史朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.141, no.2, pp.168-172, 2021

<p>The grade of a mango is determined by its color. Traditionally, the classification of mangoes is manually performed by humans. Such classification is subjective and then the quality of mango's is not uniform. In order to overcome the problem, automatic classification method to classify mango based on RGB histogram of their images and certain threshold. However, this process might be influenced by variations in the luminance. In this study, we implemented alternatives of the traditional method and compared them with sampled images.</p>
長山 格 上原 和加貴 城間 康 宮里 太也
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.141, no.2, pp.130-137, 2021

<p>In this study, we aim to develop a robust motion recognition system for an intelligent video surveillance system, that can be used for security, sports and rehabilitation by using extended alternative learning. A robust motion recognition system is necessary for the automated detection of security incidents by using a machine learning approach. However, to avoid the difficulty of collecting a huge training dataset, we propose an alternative learning approach that trains a deep neural network with a 3D-CG dataset to recognize several motions. We present our experimental results on motion recognition from free-viewpoint videos by using deep learning and alternative learning. The trained deep neural network (DNN) is evaluated using actual videos by classifying the different actions performed by real humans in these videos.</p>
加藤 司 長山 格 玉城 史朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.141, no.2, pp.124-129, 2021

<p>In 2019, we proposed an industry-school education skill succession (I-SSS) process and used it to develop a fisheries and marine skill learning system. In this study, we evaluate the appeal of the teaching materials in this system by using the ARCS motivation model from the perspective of learning motivation and search for the components of this system that would motivate learning. We used a teaching material evaluation sheet based on the ARCS motivation model to conduct a survey of students at a fisheries high school after using this system. From the results, we obtained many positive answers with all ARCS model factors, which confirmed that our proposed system had a high degree of usefulness for students. In addition, the results of the factor analysis on the motivation factor for student's learning show that the following the components lead to increased motivation for learning: "Procedure confirmation image, Presentation of finished form", "Basic skills listed in textbooks", "Explanation of practicality of skills", "Explanation of the relevance of skills and work/Qualification", and "Adoption of terms in textbooks, Easy-to-understand expressions".</p>
長山 格 岩永 竜也 上原 和加貴 宮里 太也
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.141, no.2, pp.138-146, 2021

<p>This paper presents the development of a new method for the estimation and resolution of body occlusion using deep learning for an advanced intelligent video surveillance system. A generative adversarial network is used to estimate and reconstruct an image of a hidden part of the human body. Furthermore, an alternative learning approach using 3DCG that was developed in our previous study is adopted to create a large dataset for deep learning. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method performs well in the estimation of hidden parts of the human body using images of actual people.</p>
加藤 司 長山 格 玉城 史朗
一般社団法人 CIEC
コンピュータ&エデュケーション (ISSN:21862168)
vol.48, pp.70-75, 2020

<p> 水産高校には乗船実習等の長期の校外実習があり,その中では授業も行われる。この実習期間中,生徒は自習により学力を維持することになるが,容易なことではない。そこで我々は自習を支援するツールとして映像授業に着目し,水産専門科目の映像授業を開発した。この映像授業の学習効果を測るために,水産高校の分野の異なる2つのコースの生徒を対象に介入実験を行なった。各コースの生徒をくじにより映像授業を受ける群(映像授業群)と教師から直接講義を受ける群(講義授業群)に分け,授業後に記述式のテストを実施した。その結果にt検定を行ったところ,映像授業は講義授業と同等以上の学習効果があることが示された。これにより,開発した映像授業は生徒の自習を支援し,学習効果が高いことが分かった。</p>
長山 格 宮原 彬 島袋 航一
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.139, no.9, pp.986-992, 2019

<p>In this paper, we propose a new intelligent security camera system, that is named COMDES, for automated detection of snatching incidents on streets during the night by using LSTM network. Although over a half of all snatching incidents occur at night, this has not been considered in past studies. Thus, we have proposed an intelligent security camera system using a deep neural network and snapshot of a video frame to detect snatching incidents in the night by our previous paper. The COMDES can perform more efficient detection of snatching than our previous paper, by using sequential frames observed in the criminal scene and LSTM. It can classifies the situations into criminal or non-criminal scenes precisely. The experimental results show that the system, COMDES, can effectively detect snatching incidents with an accuracy of 98.89%.</p>
宮里 太也 上原 和加貴 長山 格
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.139, no.9, pp.972-979, 2019

<p>This paper describes the development of 3-D human recognition system of flying drone system for emergency rescue and investigation. In this system, deep neural network and its application for 3-D object recognition are key techniques for human detection from a free viewpoint. Some appearance based characteristics are captured as movie frames, and the system uses deep neural networks to automatically classify concerned object. The proposed system performs well that many kinds of views of personnels can be recognized from bird's-eye view. Experimental results show that the system can effectively recognize human objects with high accuracy.</p>
長山 格 上原 和加貴 宮里 太也
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.139, no.9, pp.964-971, 2019

<p>An alternative learning and its application to construct a robust object recognition system for intelligent security camera(RORSIS) is presented in this paper. We show some experimental results of the development of the new robust 3-D object recognition system for intelligent security camera. In this system, a deep neural network and alternative learning using 3-D CG are key techniques for object recognition from a free viewpoint. Alternative learning is effective approach for the machine learning that depends on huge amount of tarining data. Some appearance based characteristics are determined from captured images, and the system uses a deep neural network, called AlexNet, to automatically classify bicycle, automobile and so on. The proposed system shows that several kinds of equipments can be recognized from a free view point. Experimental results show that the system can effectively recognize four kinds of real objects with 99.5% accuracy.</p>
加藤 司 長山 格 玉城 史朗
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.85, no.4, pp.429-437, 2019

<p> 近年,校務の多忙化や熟練教員の退職により,水産高校の技能教育における技能伝承に課題が出てきている。技能伝承には2つの課題があり,1つは教師間の技能伝承,もう1つは教師から生徒への技能伝承の問題である。その解決策のひとつは,熟練教員の技能を教材化することである。本稿では熟練教員の技能の暗黙知を形式知化し,映像教材を製作する方法を構築した。また,映像教材の効果を検証した結果,熟練教員による技能伝承と同等の教育効果を得ることができた。</p>
加藤 司 長山 格 玉城 史朗
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)

<p> 近年,校務の多忙化や熟練教員の退職により,水産高校の技能教育における技能伝承に課題が出てきている。技能伝承には2つの課題があり,1つは教師間の技能伝承,もう1つは教師から生徒への技能伝承の問題である。その解決策のひとつは,熟練教員の技能を教材化することである。本稿では熟練教員の技能の暗黙知を形式知化し,映像教材を製作する方法を構築した。また,映像教材の効果を検証した結果,熟練教員による技能伝承と同等の教育効果を得ることができた。</p>
長山 格 宮原 彬 島袋 航一
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 (ISSN:09136339)
vol.139, no.2, pp.158-165, 2019

<p>This paper proposes a new lazy learning algorithm, named balanced-kNN, for high performance robust classification of noisy patterns. K-nearest neighbor (k-NN) is a simple and powerful method with a high accuracy for various real world applications using unbiased datasets. However, noisy datasets are often gathered in real world applications. This paper presents a new robust algorithm, balanced-kNN, and compares the prediction accuracy with some conventional methods by using UCI datasets. The experimental results show that the balanced-kNN algorithm can perform more efficient classification of noisy data than the normal-kNN and weighted-kNN algorithms.</p>
長山 格 上原 和加貴 宮里 大也
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 (ISSN:09136339)
vol.139, no.2, pp.149-157, 2019

<p>An alternative learning and its application to construct an overviewing human detection system (OHDES-V2) of flying drone for emergency rescue and investigation is presented in this paper. In this system, a deep neural network and alternative learning are used key techniques for object recognition from a free viewpoint. Simple appearance-based characteristics is determined from captured images, and the system uses a deep neural network to automatically classify human body, automobiles and so forth. The proposed system shows that several objects can be recognized from a bird's-eye view. Experimental results show that the system can effectively recognize four types of objects and walking persons with accuraces of 98.5% and 97.12%, respectively.</p>
城間 康 安富祖 仁 諏訪 竜一 金城 篤史 殿岡 裕樹 加賀 武史 長山 格 玉城 史朗 マハラジャン ガウリ
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 (ISSN:09136339)
vol.139, no.2, pp.166-173, 2019

<p>Mango is a popular seasonal fruit in summer, and mango production in the Okinawa prefecture is the largest in Japan. However, the growth process of mangoes is susceptible to changes in sunshine, temperature, and other factors. In this research, to produce mangoes without being influenced by the natural environment, we will develop a production system that can positively realize environmental measurement and control by using an IoT sensing system. Specifically, we introduced local CO<sub>2</sub> application technology and a supplemental LED lighting system with the aim of activating photosynthesis by mango trees.</p>
加藤 司 長山 格 玉城 史朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 (ISSN:09136339)
vol.139, no.2, pp.127-135, 2019

<p>We developed a mobile learning system for fishery and ocean techniques using video contents. The system aims to improve the current situation in the field of education on fishery and ocean for skill succession. The proposal is based on the industry-school education process for skill succession. By accessing the web site and watching practical videos, the users can learn methodologies on fishery and ocean. As a result, we showed that the system is effective for sharing and succession of techniques for the learner. Application of the proposed system in the class showed improvement in the students' autonomous learning.</p>
城間 康 安富祖 仁 金城 篤史 長山 格 玉城 史朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 (ISSN:09136339)
vol.139, no.2, pp.174-179, 2019

<p>Crop growth is influenced by various environmental factors. As a condition for effective plant growth, it is necessary that control of the habitat environment, such as soil moisture content, temperature, humidity, solar radiation amount, is adequately delivered. We focused the fact that soil moisture is important. It is desirable that moisture is uniformly distributed in the soil. In order to avoid physiological disorders caused by water related stress on agricultural crops, it is necessary to use soil with appropriate permeability. By calculating and estimating some characteristic amount related to water permeability, it is possible to identify soil with appropriate water permeability. In this research, we realize the visualization of the planar soil moisture volume by arranging the soil moisturemeter at multiple points. In addition to a system that realizes planar visualization of soil moisture, we propose a method for estimating soil permeability parameters in combination with computer simulation.</p>
長山 格
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.84, no.857, pp.16-00366-16-00366, 2018

<p>An intelligent snatching detection system (ISDES) for autonomous detection of criminal incident by using machine learning approach is presented in this paper. Also, ESSM (Extended Snatching Situation Model) is presented to give an effective definition of the whole snatching situation including victim's behaviors. Rule-based decision making and machine intelligence are primary components of the proposed system to act without being explicitly programmed for data dispersion. Some motion characteristics are determined from video streams, also using the ESSM and machine intelligence, the system automatically classifies the situation of the video streams into criminal or non-criminal scenes. After constructing the system, we use test sequences that are continuous video streams of human behavior consisting of several actions in succession. We consider six types of scenarios for the experiments including victime's behaviors as the snatching incidents performed with motorcycle. The experimental results show that the system can effectively detect criminal scenes with an accuracy of 95.83 %.</p>
長山 格
一般社団法人 日本機械学会

<p>An intelligent snatching detection system (ISDES) for autonomous detection of criminal incident by using machine learning approach is presented in this paper. Also, ESSM (Extended Snatching Situation Model) is presented to give an effective definition of the whole snatching situation including victim's behaviors. Rule-based decision making and machine intelligence are primary components of the proposed system to act without being explicitly programmed for data dispersion. Some motion characteristics are determined from video streams, also using the ESSM and machine intelligence, the system automatically classifies the situation of the video streams into criminal or non-criminal scenes. After constructing the system, we use test sequences that are continuous video streams of human behavior consisting of several actions in succession. We consider six types of scenarios for the experiments including victime's behaviors as the snatching incidents performed with motorcycle. The experimental results show that the system can effectively detect criminal scenes with an accuracy of 95.83 %.</p>
長山 格
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.82, no.838, pp.15-00278-15-00278, 2016 (Released:2016-06-25)

This paper describes a high performance parallel image retrieval system for mechanical drawings management. The system is designed with PC-cluster that consistes of one master node and eight slave nodes. In order to achieve a higher performance, parallel processing and precise searching process are introduced to the proposed system. The parallel processing uses many rotated templates of a target symbol to perform pattern matching by each slave node. The precise searching is newly designed by analyzing our previous study for image retrieval of mechanical drawings. Object detection in many kind of images continues to be one of the most common application for image processing and understanding. We first discuss some essential issues to be considered conventional object detection with large digital images. Experimental results by using the proposed system are also described. The good performance of the system is shown.
長山 格
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)

This paper describes a high performance parallel image retrieval system for mechanical drawings management. The system is designed with PC-cluster that consistes of one master node and eight slave nodes. In order to achieve a higher performance, parallel processing and precise searching process are introduced to the proposed system. The parallel processing uses many rotated templates of a target symbol to perform pattern matching by each slave node. The precise searching is newly designed by analyzing our previous study for image retrieval of mechanical drawings. Object detection in many kind of images continues to be one of the most common application for image processing and understanding. We first discuss some essential issues to be considered conventional object detection with large digital images. Experimental results by using the proposed system are also described. The good performance of the system is shown.