三浦 麻子 小森 政嗣 松村 真宏 平石 界
vol.4, pp.26-32, 2019

<p>The present study explored social sharing of negative emotion on social media related to the 3.11 earthquake. A dataset was created from tweets that included one or more of the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (F1-NPP) related vocabulary, which were extracted from all Japanese tweets from March 11th, 2011 to April 16th, 2012. The results show anger was less susceptible to attenuation over time and this trend was more obvious in regions farther from the F1-NPP. Anxiety was more commonly shared in regions with a nuclear power plant, but a tendency to decrease over time was observed and this trend was more prominent the closer one was to the F1-NPP.</p>


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