アナ アギレラ 千代 章一郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.757, pp.733-741, 2019-03

&nbsp;This study aims to clarify the correlation between the Jos&eacute; Villagr&aacute;n's theory and its adaptation to the design process by analyzing the National School of Architecture project. The authors have explored on <i>Jos&eacute; Villagr&aacute;n's architectural theory</i>, sketches and historical documents according to his design methodology applied in the National School of Architecture to establish the correlation between them. Based on this exploration, it appears that, Villagr&aacute;n applied the analysis of the program in his theory and design process after Mexican architects within constant awareness of the importance of avoiding foreign styles and rescuing tradition.