有田 亘 アリタ ワタル Wataru Arita
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.26, no.3, pp.1-20, 2013-03-31

Many clothing styles of young Japanese women are driven by a desire to make themselves "look cute". However, girls dressed in the Lolita fashion, which is characterized by feverishly pursuing dollish or princess-like girly "cuteness" (kawaii), seldom show any interest in being looked at as "me in a cute dress." These are gestures to block other people’s eyes. And at the same time, they do not hide their great pleasure in seeing "lovely dressed girls" rather than being seen as lovely girls. For them, wearing Lolita fashion seems to have become a means not to "see" lovely things, but to "be seen as lovely". Japanese culture is often classified as a "shame culture," in which an aspect of "see or to be seen as" something is accompanied by cultural and political asymmetry between men and women or an aspect of being too much concerned about people’s eyes, as if suffering from scoptophobia. In these girls’ unique fashion, we might be able to find a possibility of transformational subversion against such conservative attitudes. Using interviews, we would like to examine this phenomenon from the viewpoint of media theory.
有田 亘 Arita Wataru アリタ ワタル
年報人間科学 (ISSN:02865149)
no.20, pp.377-389, 1999

「対位法」という用語は今日、メディア論の分野ではよく知られたものになっている。卓抜した対位法の実践例として知られるピアニスト、グレン・グールドの演奏─だけにはとどまらない活動の全般─が、彼の傾倒していたマーシャル・マクルーハンのメディア論に結びつけて取り上げられてきたのが、その大きな理由の一つであろう。また、特に最近のカルチュラル・スタディーズの隆盛とともに、並列性、複数性、相補性などを重視するべく、「対位法的=ポリフォニック」な観点が注目されるようになってきてもいる。ただその一方で、「対位法」は頻繁に引き合いに出される音楽的比喩の域をいまだ出ていないようにも思われる。そこでこの試論では、その語をメディア論的概念として位置づける可能性を探ってみたい。第1節では、ジャンバッティスタ・ヴィーコの修辞学の内に「媒介」作用に関する先駆的議論がなされていることを確認する。第2節では、マーシャル・マクルーハンにおけるヴィーコ受容と、その際用いられた「対位法」という語のメディア論的含意について検討する。第3節では、エドワード・サイードの反復に関する議論を手がかりに、対位法の媒介的性格について論じる。第4節では、グレン・グールドを例に取り上げ、対位法をメディア論的な観点に適用する。The term of "counterpoint"has been well-known in the field of media studies today. It is probably one of the major reasons that Glenn Gould, an expert pianist noted for his contrapuntal performances, has been connected with Marshall McLuhan's media sutudy devoted himself. And besides, with the recent prosperity of cultural studies,the "contrapuntal"standpoint is getting much attention, for its emphasis on parallelism , plurality,complementality etc. But, on the other hand, "counterpoint" hasn't risen higher than the musical-figurative level yet, I think. So, this essay attempts to prove into the possibilities of the term as the concept of media studies. Part 1 confirms that the rhetoric of Giambattista Vico pioneeringly argued on the function of medium. Part 2 examines the Vico receptionin Marshall McLuhan, and the implications of the word counterpoint , from the viewpoint of media studies. Part 3 argues the nature of counterpoint as media, based on Edward Said's argument about repetition. Part 4 applys counterpoint to the viewpoint of media studies, making Glenn Gould as an example.
有田 亘 アリタ ワタル Arita Wataru
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.29, no.3, pp.85-95, 2016-03-31

Is Edward Said’s concept of “contrapuntal reading” good enough in practice, but not in theory? In order to solve this problem, we consider the discussion of T.W. Adorno “Beethoven’s Late Style” in Said’s On Late Style. At the same time, we compare it with “On Fidelio” of “Cosi fan tutte at the Limits,” also by Said. Because of this comparison, we consult the playing style of the pianists V. Afanassiev and I. Pogorelich. However, this paper is intended to use the idea of classical music for social epistemology. In order to lead us to understand this, we refer to Slavoj Žižek “Against the Populist Temptation : Ode to Joy and the Turkish March.”
有田 亘 アリタ ワタル Wataru Arita
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.28, no.1, pp.91-107, 2014-10-31

We have been trying to introduce the character to education from 2010 in the Osaka International University, Department of Psychology and Communication. While this attempt is still continuing as of 2014, in this paper I report its outline up to the year 2013 as a tentative summary and consider the significance of characters in the practical situations of university education. Classified broadly, it seems to have two kinds of significance: one as the action research style fieldwork and the other pertaining to communication studies. The employment of characters within the faculty provides the students with a simulated field to prepare for actual works outside the campus. Also the interactions with others, made through the action of “assuming a character’’, would produce educational benefits of understanding, in a practical way, the essence of society common to “playing’’ and “learning.’’
有田 亘 アリタ ワタル Arita Wataru
国際研究論叢 = OIU journal of international studies : 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.29, no.3, pp.85-95, 2016-03

Is Edward Said's concept of "contrapuntal reading" good enough in practice, but not in theory? In order to solve this problem, we consider the discussion of T.W. Adorno "Beethoven's Late Style" in Said's On Late Style. At the same time, we compare it with "On Fidelio" of "Cosi fan tutte at the Limits," also by Said. Because of this comparison, we consult the playing style of the pianists V. Afanassiev and I. Pogorelich. However, this paper is intended to use the idea of classical music for social epistemology. In order to lead us to understand this, we refer to Slavoj Žižek "Against the Populist Temptation : Ode to Joy and the Turkish March."