今田 純雄 米山 理香 イマダ スミオ ヨネヤマ リカ Sumio Imada Rika Yoneyama
広島修大論集. 人文編
vol.38, no.2, pp.493-507, 1998-03-30

今田 純雄 鈴木 千尋 イマダ スミオ スズキ チヒロ Sumio Imada Chihiro Suzuki
広島修大論集. 人文編
vol.40, no.2, pp.285-302, 2000-03-10

People differ widely in their reasons for drinking. This article reports on the development of a six-factor measure that assesses four enhancement and two suppression motives for alcohol drinking in adult male drinkers. Apart from the three traditionally accepted motives-social, coping and enhancement-sensory/cognitive pleasures were evaluated as further motives for the use of alcohol. Also, two distinctly different motives were shown to explain the suppression of the wish to drink. Comparison of undergraduate students with male adults showed different patterns of the motivational bases of alcohol use across two groups. Young people tend to drink for social and enhancement motives, although male adults use alcohol to cope with negative emotion and to gain sensory/cognitive pleasure. Data gained from female students suggests the sex difference as the causative factor in their suppression of drinking, when compared with males. These findings indicate the importance of taking into account these different motives to explain drinking behavior in natural settings.