エバンズベンジャミンルカ 棟方 渚 小野 哲雄
研究報告エンタテインメントコンピューティング(EC) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2014, no.11, pp.1-4, 2014-05-30

作曲者は何か意図をもって作曲する.その前提のもと,我々はリスナーが楽曲に対して抱く印象と,楽曲の作曲者が持つ意図とを比較し,それらの印象について調査してきた.リスナーは一般に作曲者の意図と似た印象を抱くものの,音楽の知識や経験などのリスナーの特性に応じて,異なる思考を持って楽曲を聴いていると考えられる.そこで本稿では,リスナーの音楽経験が楽曲印象に与える影響に着目し,リスナー特性ごとに,その楽曲印象を作曲者意図と比較した.作曲者とリスナーそれぞれが楽曲を聴いている際の生体信号(皮膚温,皮膚電気抵抗)計測データや,アンケート調査の結果を比べ,考察を行った.Composers composer with specific intentions in mind. Based on this assumption, we have conducted research, comparing the impressions listeners feel towards music they listen to and the intentions composers have behind those songs. We have seen, in general, listeners have similar impressions to the intentions of composers. However, we believe listeners listen to music in different ways based on their characteristics (e.g. musical experience,) which would result in a difference of impression within listener groups. In this paper, we have focused on the difference of listener impressions caused by difference in musical experience, and have compared those impressions with composer intentions. We discuss different findings we have made from the physiological data (skin conductance response, skin conductance level and fingertip temperature) and survey data obtained from our experiment.
エバンズベンジャミンルカ 棟方 渚 小野 哲雄
vol.2013, no.37, pp.1-4, 2013-08-24

現代の音楽は多種多様に発展しており,特に自動作曲プログラムなどの進展は顕著である.しかしパターンマッチングや確率モデルに基づいたシステムの動作は,作曲家が楽曲を創作する過程や思考とは大きく異なり,ユーザによる作曲過程の調整が難しい.出力だけでなく,作曲過程にも楽譜データを利用するシステムの方が,従来システムに比べ,音楽の知識を持つユーザにはより使いやすいと考える.これまで我々は,楽譜データに基づく自動作曲システムの実現に向けて,バス課題を実行するシステム "Creating Music for You(CMY)" を実装してきた.本研究では CMY に新たに,バス声部の転回系を作曲規則として実装し,入力の制限を緩和した.また,プログラム実行時に任意の規則の利用・非利用が設定できるようにし,出力する楽曲の可能性を増大できる仕組みも実装した.As modern music is evolving in many ways, the advancement of automated music composing software is particularly noticeable. However, these systems, which generally rely heavily on pattern-matching technology and statistical models, operate using a composition mechanism which is totally different from that of the composer, making the system unrealistic for the user to adjust and control. A system which uses sheet-music-type data not only in the output but also in the composing process itself would offer the musically knowledgeable user an easier programme to work with. In previous research, we created an automated music composing system "Creating Music for You" (CMY), which composes four part harmony from bass-part music the user inputs. In this research, we have implemented the theory of chord inversions (i.e. chords with non-tonic bass notes), and have also enabled the user to choose which rules to use in the composition process. Both of these modifications allow for a wider variety of harmonic options in the output music.