三戸 範之
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.38, no.1, pp.27-36, 2005-07-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

The purpose of the present study was to examine regions of the body affected by Kansetsu-waza. The participants were 22 college and high school judo players. They were requested to point out the most painful region for each Kansetsu-waza technique. For analysis,28 techniques were chosen from 9 kinds of Kansetsu-waza. The binominal test and the chi square test were conducted. The results demonstrated that the elbow was the most painful region for 16 techniques and the shoulder for 8 techniques. This finding suggests that some Kansetsu-waza, which was Udegarami, Udehishigi-hizagatame, and Udehishigi-sankakugatame, has both the technique affecting the elbow and that affecting the shoulder. From Uke arm movement,28 techniques can be classified into three broad types: extension, twist with internal rotation, and twist with external rotation. Chi square tests indicated that the elbow was the most painful region for extension techniques, and that the shoulder was the most painful region for twisting techniques with either internal or external rotation. In relation to refereeing rules, Kansetsu-waza application is forbidden for any joint other than the elbow, however this study indicated that some Kansetsu-waza techniques allowed in the competition affect the shoulder. These findings suggest that refereeing rules for Kansetsu-waza are not necessarily based on real-world experience and that there is room for improving application of these rules.
三戸 範之 石井 直人 SANNOHE Noriyuki ISHII Naoto
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. Educational sciences (ISSN:24334952)
vol.73, pp.33-39, 2018-02-23

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the step-by-step practice and the simplified seoi-nage on the safe practice of judo by novices. Participants were 18 students who attended a college judo class. Trials in the experiment were composed of two kinds of the conditions, which were seoi-nage without the step-by-step practice, and seoi-nage after practicing the three steps. After the trials, participants answered a five-point scale questionnaire asking how they felt when they were thrown or threw. Binomial tests demonstrated that high head fixation was significantly greater than low head fixation on any conditions. This finding suggests that simplified skill and step-by-step practice are effective for head fixation of thrown participants. Measurements of the degree of head fixation revealed an effect of step-by-step practice (two-way ANOVA, F1, 17 = 3.676, p = 0.07), but ANOVA did not detect an effect of holding, nor interaction between the step-by-step practice and holding. This finding suggests that step-by-step practice is effective on head fixation of thrown participants. Results imply that simplified skill and step-by-step practice of seoi-nage are effective safe practice of novices at judo. The findings of this study will contribute to plan the safe and easy practice for instructing novices at judo.