三村 和男
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.31, no.4, pp.255-264, 1992-08-15 (Released:2017-08-31)

昭和34年9月26日,東海地方に襲来した超大型の伊勢湾台風は,満潮時刻と重なり,過去の経験をはるかに越える高潮と暴風により,愛知,岐阜,三重の3県下に死者約5000人,被災者153万人に達する宋曽有の被害を与えた。とりわけ名古屋市南部では高潮とさらに流木による被害が大きく死者約2000 人,被災者52万人の大災害となる.東レ㈱名古屋工場では,1m浸水し,操業再開におよそ1か月を要する大きな被害を蒙った.その被筈状況と事後の対策について概要を紹介する,
三村 和男 山田 健
日本林學會誌 (ISSN:0021485X)
vol.72, no.6, pp.513-519, 1990-11-01

The forest shredder is a down-cutting type working machine equipped with many flail-type stirrup-shaped cutting blades around a horizontal shaft parallel to the brush-cutting plane. This type generally is called a flail mower. In cutting small-diameter trees of Quercus serrata THUNB. and in brush-cutting Peioblastus chino MAKINO var. using this machine, we clarified the features of both down-cutting and up-cutting types by comparatively studying the power requirements for both types. That required for cutting small-diameter trees of Q. serrata using the stirrup-shaped cutting blades of the down-cutting type is 40 to 50% greater than that by the up-cutting type. In cutting small-diameter standing trees, therefore, the power required can be reduced by using the up-cutting type. However, in the power required for brush-cutting of P. chino, no difference was seen between down-cutting and up cutting types. But the power required was 20 to 30% (Brush cutting is based on the same condition) greater than a power required for brush-cutting Sasa kurilensis MAKINO et SHIBATA var. which had been conducted previously using the stirrup-shaped cutting blades. This seem to be because the inside dimension of the stirrup-shaped cutting blade had been clogged with finely cut pieces of bamboo grass to increasing the exhaust resistance.
三村 和男
日本流体力学会年会講演論文集 (ISSN:13428004)
vol.2007, 2007-08-06

Thermal convection in a closed loop was simulated by using a grid model. From our partial differential equations, a three variables Lorentz like system can be reduced. In stable steady region of main flow, result of the simulation agree with the low order system, very well. In slightly super critical region, result of the grid model shows turbulent stable state in contrast with one of the low order system. In sufficient super critical region, the result shows Lorenz like chaotic reversal of main flow, when special resolution is sufficient. The Lorenz like chaotic reversal of main flow along the loop appeared in rather shrunk parameter region which locates in unstable region of the steady main flow. The chaotic region is surrounded by broad turbulent stable region. On the edge region between chaos and turbulent stable, the behavior has delicate sensitivity for experimental, initial and computational conditions.