中村 牧子
埼玉学園大学紀要. 人間学部篇 (ISSN:13470515)
pp.63-74, 2001-12

We analyze, using official data, the spatial mobility between three areas in Saitama Prefecture (Kawaguchi, Urawa and Omiya), and that from them to Tokyo. From this aspect we examine how these areas changed into the suburbs. It is usually thought that the suburbs are born into rural areas under influences of one city outside of them. But by these three areas the suburbs are born under influences not only of a large city but also of the local cities, and into such cities. Because they were cities, these three areas could offer many houses, through their urban planning and so on, to many newcomers' families and workers employed in the large city Tokyo, earlier than any other area around them. Because they were cities, they gathered people from neighborhood as much as they sent to Tokyo, and these flows of people have now amalgamated them into a new large city. These mean that the suburbs can be seen as the areas in which not only farmers and newcomers but also many other social classes different in previous residence, working place and occupation coexist and cooperate. This finding will be useful in solving the problems of human relations in the suburbs.
中村 牧子 上野 博志 中垣内 昌樹 堀 正和 田中 修平 城宝 秀司 絹川 弘一郎
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.51, no.6, pp.611-618, 2019-06-15 (Released:2020-08-17)

症例は58歳男性,主訴は心窩部痛・心肺停止.2018年某月初旬,心窩部痛・嘔吐にて救急要請した.救急車内で心室細動(VF)となりAEDによる除細動が3回施行されるもVF停止せず,心肺蘇生が継続され当院ERへ救急搬送された.気管挿管,アドレナリン,アミオダロン投与後も自己心拍再開が得られず,VA-ECMOを挿入し冠動脈造影(CAG)を施行.左前下行枝#6 100%,右冠動脈#1-2 90%を認め,引き続き#6にPCI施行,その後の除細動で洞調律へ復帰した.#1-2にもPCIを施行しTIMI 3となったが左室拡張末期圧20 mmHgと高値のため左室ベント目的にIMEPLLA 2.5を挿入した.CCU入室時脈拍触知せず,胸部X線で肺うっ血あり,心エコーで大動脈弁の開放を認めず,高度のびまん性左室壁運動低下(EF 10%)を認めた.低用量の静注強心薬も併用開始し第2病日ECMOを離脱した.CPKは最高17737 IU/L,CK-MB 702 ng/mLまで上昇したが,左室壁運動の改善を認め,第5病日IMPELLAを抜去,第6病日人工呼吸器と静注強心薬を離脱した.第14病日の心エコーではEF 47%に改善を認め,神経学的後遺症なく第31病日に独歩退院し,退院1カ月後に就労復帰した.本例はECMOによる全身循環の維持,PCIによる冠血行再建とIMPELLAによる左室減負荷により心機能が回復し救命し得たと考えられた.