中野 浩一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.41, no.5, pp.318-327, 1997-01-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

In Japan spreading of skiing is said to have originated from the ski instruction of Lerch, an Austrian officer, in Takada district since January 12 in 1911. But Nagai, a professor of gymnastics in Tokyo Higher Normal School, indicated that he had done it before Lerch. Staying in Sweden to search for Swedish gymnastics from 1907, Nagai had practised skiing for the study of the physical activity of the Japanese nation. From the end of December in 1910 fell on the 3rd ski season (1910-11) since his return to Japan in early 1909, he started an action to spread skiing in the prefecture of Akita, next to Yamagata, because he got a chance to go to snow area in winter for a course in gymnastics, and after returning to Tokyo, he wrote an article introducing Swedish winter sports in the newspaper "Jijishinpoh (時事新報)" and so on, and in the next ski season (1911-12) he gave ski instruction in the north-eastern section of Japan in the first half of January in 1912. But these activities amounted to no more than an introduction of skiing, and had little influence. On the other hand, at the end of December in 1910 was the same time Nagai started his action, Takada Division started a research for popularizing skiing before Lerch arrived at his post. They accomplished its study in this ski season (1910-11), and in the next ski season (1911-12), they started an action to extend their influence all over Japan, and almost succeeded in it after holding the opening ceremony of Esshin Skiing Club (越信スキ-倶楽部) on February 11 in 1912 fell on the next month Nagai visited the north-eastern section of Japan. Though Nagai used a skiing style with two poles, Lerch's one with one pole has consequently spread in the north-eastern section of Japan.
中野 浩一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.41, no.5, pp.318-327, 1997

In Japan spreading of skiing is said to have originated from the ski instruction of Lerch, an Austrian officer, in Takada district since January 12 in 1911. But Nagai, a professor of gymnastics in Tokyo Higher Normal School, indicated that he had done it before Lerch. Staying in Sweden to search for Swedish gymnastics from 1907, Nagai had practised skiing for the study of the physical activity of the Japanese nation. From the end of December in 1910 fell on the 3rd ski season (1910-11) since his return to Japan in early 1909, he started an action to spread skiing in the prefecture of Akita, next to Yamagata, because he got a chance to go to snow area in winter for a course in gymnastics, and after returning to Tokyo, he wrote an article introducing Swedish winter sports in the newspaper "Jijishinpoh (時事新報)" and so on, and in the next ski season (1911-12) he gave ski instruction in the north-eastern section of Japan in the first half of January in 1912. But these activities amounted to no more than an introduction of skiing, and had little influence. On the other hand, at the end of December in 1910 was the same time Nagai started his action, Takada Division started a research for popularizing skiing before Lerch arrived at his post. They accomplished its study in this ski season (1910-11), and in the next ski season (1911-12), they started an action to extend their influence all over Japan, and almost succeeded in it after holding the opening ceremony of Esshin Skiing Club (越信スキ-倶楽部) on February 11 in 1912 fell on the next month Nagai visited the north-eastern section of Japan. Though Nagai used a skiing style with two poles, Lerch's one with one pole has consequently spread in the north-eastern section of Japan.
安藤 拓也 山崎 雅彦 深尾 俊一 中野 浩一郎 呉原 裕樹 堅田 武保 舟曳 純仁 中野 貞生 池上 雅博
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.36, no.12, pp.1698-1702, 2003-12-01

腸閉塞にて発症した非特異性多発性小腸潰癈疾の2例を経験したので報告する.症例1 26歳の男性.繰り返す腸閉塞にて入院.小腸造形にて回腸に粘膜集中像をともなう潰瘍,多発する輪状狭窄を認めた.小腸潰瘍による狭窄にて腸閉塞を呈したと診断し,回腸切除術と狭窄形成術を施行した.症例2 . 31歳の男性.繰り返す腸閉塞と貧血にて入院.逆行け回腸遺影にて回腸末端に不整形潰瘍と軽度の狭窄像を認めた.小腸潰癈による狭窄にて腸閉塞を呈したと診断し回腸切除術を施行した.いずれの症例も切除標本では,亜輪状傾向の潰瘍あるいは潰瘍徹夜を認め,それに伴い腸管の狭窄を呈していた.組織学的にはUl-IIの潰瘍が主体であり,狭窄部では線維化が著明であった.以上から非特異性多発性小腸潰瘍疾による腸閉塞と診断した.