久保田 真美 高山 成子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13455311)
no.18, pp.23-35, 2017-03

This study sought to better understand the daily lives of elderly with dementia living alone by illuminating their daily life experiences and thoughts through interviews with the elderly and, furthermore, by illuminating the dangers and issues ssociated with living alone through interviews with care support specialists. Qualitative and inductive analyses were conducted of semi-structured interviews with 6 elderly persons and six of their respective care support specialists. Results showed that elderly with dementia had "a strong desire to continue living alone as themselves" and that those feelings were buoyed by "pride on past self-sufficiency" and "appreciation of the people supporting me." In their daily lives, they "were aware of their memory loss, but have a positive outlook" and "despite bitter experiences, devise ways to work around them". Nevertheless, though rarely admitted by the elderly themselves, daily-life dangers such as "seen as a fire hazard by those around them" and "responsive, rather than preventative medication management due to low awareness of danger (by both elderly people and their caregivers)," were observed.本研究の目的は、独居生活をしている認知症高齢者への面接によって、彼らの日々の体験と思いを明らかにし、さらに彼らを支援する介護支援専門員の面接によって独居生活における危険の問題を明らかにすることである。6人の認知症高齢者と彼らの担当介護支援専門員6名に半構成的面接を行い、質的帰納的に分析をした。その結果、認知症高齢者は【自分らしくありたいという独居継続への強い意志】を持っており、それは、【過去の人生の誇りに支えられた自律意識】と【自分を支えてくれている人達への感謝の思い】で支えられていた。彼らは日々の生活の中で【もの忘れを自覚しながら、前向きな姿勢】を保ち、【苦い体験をしながら生活の工夫を取り入れ】ていた。その一方で、本人はあまり言わないが、【周囲が危機感を感じている火の不始末】や【(両方の)危険意識が少なく、問題発覚後に対応している内服管理】という、危機をはらむ生活上の問題がみられた。