長沢 元夫 久田 陽一 露木 真澄
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.17, no.1, pp.1-5, 1964-01-20

A clear distinction between Tinnevelly Senna and Alexandrian Senna by histological anatomy was found. The best way to find the distinction is the comparison by the degree of development of fibres in bundle of the costa. For that purpose, the leaflets of about 2 cm. in length were used. It was no good to use the leaflets less than 1 cm. and more than 3 cm. in length. We got positive proofs that the anatomical figure of Tinnevelly Senna after A. Tschirch which had been quoted in many textbooks of Pharmacognosy is not typical. It was characteristic of Italian Senna and Aden Senna that both their costa are not prominent under the leaflets and the cell wall of the base of hair is not so thick.