岡 希太郎
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.51, no.1, pp.5-10, 2016 (Released:2020-08-16)

Scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency, was rampant during the age of discovery in Europe. In the mid-17th century, Pasqua Rosee, the first coffee house in London, put an ad in the newspaper Publick Adviser clearly stating, It (coffee) is excellent to prevent and cure dropsy, gout, and scurvy. A Netherlands trade merchant carried the information to Nagasaki, Japan, along with coffee beans harvested in the Netherlands’new territory, Java Island. A Japanese physician in Nagasaki, Dr. Kai Hirokawa, translated the information into Japanese in his new book, Dutch Medicines, published in 1803. According to the ancient documents stored in Wakkanai City, Japan, the coffee beans were distributed to Tsugaru Clan soldiers who were guarding the northern coastline from 1855 to 1856. The purpose of the distribution was the prevention of scurvy and dropsy. As the result, none of the soldiers died from scurvy during the winter of 1855-1856. This paper discusses the pharmacological relationship between coffee micronutrients and vitamin deficiency syndrome.
野澤 直美 高木 翔太 渡邉 哲司 風間 竜之介 小沼(中村) 実香 村橋 毅 高野 文英
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.54, no.2, pp.94-103, 2019 (Released:2020-07-11)

Nitre was a substance essential for making gunpowder, of which the process for making was to be one of the top secrets from the middle to early modern period in Japan. Nitrate, from nitre, was directly prepared from nitre-enriched deposits in most countries; however, nitre deposits were rare in Japan. Hence, nitrate was produced from aged-soil using a method called Kodo-hou in Japan. There are a few pieces of literature that refer to making nitrate from aged-soil. We report here some experimental evidence for purification of potassium nitrate(KNO3)from aged-soil using the Kodo-hou method. Further, the levels of both ions such as cations(Na+ and K+)and anions(Cl-, NO3-, SO42-)in ash and aged-soil are also measured and compared to normal soil.
野澤 直美 高木 翔太 福島 康仁 高橋 孝 村橋 毅 高野 文英
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.2, pp.179-193, 2020 (Released:2021-01-28)

目的:硝石(硝酸カリウム KNO3)は,戦国時代から江戸末期のわが国において黒色火薬の原料として欠くことのできない物質であった.わが国における硝石製造には「古土法」,「培養法」および「硝石丘法」と呼ばれる 3 種の方法があった. 方法:本研究では,これらの 3 種の硝石製造方法について史学的調査,土壌中のイオン分析,および硝石精製の再現実験行い比較検討を行った. 結果:「古土法」は,経年した床下土から硝石を製造する全国で行われた方法なのに対して,「培養法」は,加賀藩領の五箇山や天領の白川郷の限られた地域においてのみ実施された手法であった.「培養法」は「硝石丘法」と類似するが,「硝石丘法」では人畜屎尿を屋外で積み上げ 1~3 年を経過させた土を使うのに対して,「培養法」では蚕の糞や山野草を養蚕家屋の床下に穴を掘り,約 4~5 年をかけて醸成した土から硝石を製した.実際に,これら 3 種の手法を再現して硝石製造を行った.いずれの手法においても硝石の結晶を析出させることができたが,「培養法」と「牛糞堆肥(硝石丘法の代用)」で析出する結晶は不定形であり,特に「牛糞堆肥」では繰り返しの再結晶が必要であった.「培養法」で得られる硝石の結晶量は,「古土法」の 3 倍だった.3 種の硝石製造法における土中の硝酸イオン(NO3 -)濃度をイオンクロマトグラフィー法で測定した結果,「培養法」の土に含まれる NO3-は,「古土法」よりも高く,また堆積期間が 1 年以内の「牛糞堆肥」であっても 20 年以上経過した「古土法」による土と同程度の NO3-が検出できた.「培養法」および「硝石丘法」では,アンモニア体窒素を豊富に含む蚕や人畜の排泄物を利用することにより,土中の NO3-濃度を高める生物学的手法であることがわかった. 結論:総じて 3 種の硝石製造法のなかでも「培養法」が,硝石製造の質や量の面で優れていることが判明した.本稿では,わが国の硝石製造法について,欧州の硝石製造法とも併せて論考する.
小清水 敏昌
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.2, pp.194-202, 2020 (Released:2021-01-28)

目的:1895(明治 28)年の「喘息煙草説明書」の記載事柄について調査し,また喘息煙草の来歴,使用方法や売薬の制度なども調査した. 方法:国立国会図書館,東京大学医学図書館,たばこと塩の博物館などにおいて関係文献を調査した. 結果:緒方洪庵の息子達(次男:惟準,三男:惟孝)および小林謙三(適塾生)の 3 人が喘息煙草に関与していた.次男は軍医であり喘息煙草を考案し,三男は薬舗主となり「喘息煙草説明書」を作成した.謙三は内務省から許可された喘息煙草を自店で製造販売した. 結論:喘息煙草の材料は印度大麻草であり,初版の日本薬局方から同エキス剤と共に収載.同チンキ剤は第三版から収載された.3 製剤は戦後の第六版日本薬局方で削除されたが,わが国では 66 年間大麻製剤が収載されていた.Cannabis 製剤が約 150 年前の江戸時代から日本で使用されていたことは特筆すべきことである.
野澤 直美
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.54, no.2, pp.77-82, 2019 (Released:2020-07-11)

Gunpowder happened to be produced while seeking the elixir of life. Saltpeter (i.e., potassium nitrate) is an essential substance required to produce gunpowder. There are no saltpeter lodes in Japan. So an aged-soil method called Kodo-hou, which was developed to make saltpeter using the soil from underfloors of houses, was used after guns were introduced. It is not clear where and how this method was invented. The only culture-related method, called Baiyou-hou, was adopted in the Gokayama region of Kaga-han, now Ishikawa. The Edo period was so peaceful that the demand for making saltpeter subsided, and the production technology fell into decline. The Chichibu area, now Saitama, thrived in the production of gunpowder when under the control of Oshi-han. Especially, at the end of the Edo period, much gunpowder was required to defend Edo Bay following the arrival of Admiral Perry. Oshi-han was ordered to defend Edo Bay and bought the gunpowder used from the Chichibu territory. By that time, the materials used for the Kodo-hou method became more available, leading to a familiarized way to make saltpeter. The author succeeded in producing saltpeter applying the Kodo-hou method and using the same material as in the Edo period, confirming the correctness of that material. It was personally experienced how hard it was to make saltpeter in those days. In Chichibu, nearly 400 festivals are held each year, and people set off fireworks as a sign of dedication to not only big shrines, but also small shrines. This suggests that there used to be abundant gunpowder in this area.
仲安 義行
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.1, pp.13-20, 2020 (Released:2020-08-02)

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is a bile acid used worldwide for improving hepatic, bile, and digestive functions. UDCA was first introduced to the world more than 60 years ago as URSOR Powder in Japan by Tokyo Tanabe Pharma Co., Ltd. (founded in 1901 by Motosaburo Tanabe). However, the origin of this medicine is even older; that is, it was an animal crude drug called “YUTAN” made from bear gallbladder. The same as other western medicines, chemical synthesis was necessary to commercialize UDCA. It was an exceptionally rare agent that required isolation, crystallization, determination of structural formula, and establishment of an efficient synthetic method all conducted by Japanese researchers. After being commercialized, URSO was approved for additional indications of gallstone dissolution (1978), implementation of liver function in primary biliary cirrhosis (1999), and chronic hepatitis C (2007). These achievements were the result of the unflagging efforts of many researchers. Although 60 years have passed after the market launch, UDCA sales are still growing globally and high-quality bulk powder is continuously supplied from Japan to the world. This article discusses the development history of URSO in view of the relationship with the brief history of Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation.
小林 照幸
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.54, no.2, pp.83-88, 2019 (Released:2020-07-11)

Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as testicular hydrocele and elephantiasis, is one of the neglected tropical disease (NTDs). This infectious disease occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes (in Japan Culex pipiens pallens). Japan is the first country to control lymphatic filariasis and eradicate it. Controlling and eradicating it was mainly based on blood examination and chemotherapy with diethylcarbamazine (DEC). In 1962, the government of Japan initiated the National Filariasis Control Program in some areas of Kyushu (e.g., Kagoshima Prefecture including the highly endemic Amami Islands), Shikoku (Ehime Prefecture) and Tokyo (Hachijo-kojima Island in the southern Izu archipelago).The program was extremely successful, and the number of microfilaria carriers decreased quickly. In the highly endemic area of Okinawa, formerly called Ryukyu, which was under U.S. occupation from 1945 to 1972, the eradication program was started in 1965 with the assistance of the Japanese government and the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR). In January 1965, a filariasis control campaign was started on the Miyako Islands based on the dedication of the community inhabitants. This control activity then encouraged campaigns on other islands (Yaeyama and the main island of Okinawa). Lymphatic filariasis was finally eliminated from all Okinawa Islands in 1978. A stone monument commemorating the eradication of filariasis was built in the front garden of the Miyako Health Center on November 25, 1988. The unveiling ceremony also celebrated the completion of filariasis control on Okinawa Islands and throughout all of Japan. Controlling and eradicating lymphatic filariasis in Japan is the result of Japan's world-class pharmacy and medical wisdom, as well as the efforts of industry, government and academia. It is a great drama full of humanism.
加藤 諭
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.58, no.1, pp.5-9, 2023 (Released:2023-08-10)

Research into the history of pharmacy often makes use of materials held by university archives. This paper analyzes the difference between the role of historical research and that of archives. An important role of archiving is to appraise which records to keep and which to discard. University archives have been established for the purpose of preserving materials from institutions that have emerged in the past, as well as those materials collected in the process of compiling university histories. The first university archives in Japan was established at Tohoku University in 1963. This was followed by others at The University of Tokyo, Kyushu University, and Nagoya University in the latter half of the 20th century. The role of archives has been strengthened by law since the 21st century. The number of university archives has also increased. Currently, there are 12 institutions with functions equivalent to those of the National Archives of Japan. On the other hand, the operation of university archives often requires expertise in the field of history. University histories also need to be compiled on a regular basis. For this reason, university archives need to cooperate with institution administrations, libraries and museums, and archivists are required to have a deep knowledge of university history.
五位野 政彦
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.58, no.1, pp.18-25, 2023 (Released:2023-08-10)

序論:本稿では日本語の「坐薬」の語源,ならびに日本の近代医療でこの剤形が受容されてきた過程を調査した. 方法:次の資料を調査した.国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション収蔵史料,京都大学図書館収蔵史料,早稲田大学図書館収蔵史料,Google Books 検索結果,個人収蔵史料 結果・考察:江戸ハルマ(波留麻和解)にはオランダ語の「zetpil」の訳語として「?薬」の語があてられている.これは『金匱要略』に見られる用語であるとともに,zet:座る,pil:薬をそのまま意訳したものである.また冒頭の「ゼ」を「?」とすることで音訳も兼ねていた.しかし蘭方では坐剤は用いられなかった.明治時代の日本の近代医療導入過程において,英国医学を導入した時期に坐剤の具体的な情報がもたらされた.しかしその後のドイツ医学導入により,初版,改正日本薬局方では坐剤は収載されなかった.日本人により編纂され,医療の現場で使用されている医薬品の規定を目的とした第三改正日本薬局方に坐剤が収載された.
森本 和滋 川崎 聡子 吉田 易範
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.50, no.1, pp.64-77, 2015 (Released:2020-12-03)

For 20 years, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW, formerly Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW)) has been trying to increase transparency of the review process for approving reports in order to promote the rational use of newly approved drugs and medical devices. The first Summary Basis of Approval (SBA) was published by MHW in 1994. In 1999, evaluation reports were prepared by MHW and the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Evaluation Center to make them available to the public. In 2005, a notice from the Chief Executive of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) made procedures for public release of information on reviewing applications for new drugs. In 2006, 90 review reports of newly approved drugs and eight medical devices were revealed on PMDA websites. The dissemination of information by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and that of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) were studied and compared with that of the MHLW and PMDA. While common technical documents (CTD) for new drugs and summary technical documents (STED) for new medical devices have been released by PMDA, such documents are not released by the FDA and EMA. The European Public Assessment Report (EAPR) summary for the public is an interesting questionnaire approach that uses the What, How and Why format. Finally, future proposals for the next decade are also outlined. PMID: 26427100 [Indexed for MEDLINE]
小林 力
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.54, no.1, pp.13-18, 2019 (Released:2020-07-09)

For thousands of years, humans had sought miracle medicines. In the 1930s, people were generally the same as people today. But they were almost helpless in terms of treating bacterial infection. P. Ehrlich, watching synthetic dye molecules stain bacteria specifically and selectively, started the research for antibacterial agents, “magic bullets.” Although he failed to reach the goal, the German dye company Bayer succeeded in utilizing his concept and approach. In 1932, after screening 3,000 compounds over a four-year period, they succeeded in the development of the antibacterial red-dye compound Prontosil. This medicine was welcomed by the world as a miracle drug. In 1935, after the non-patentable derivative sulfanilamide was discovered by the Pasteur Institute, it was synthesized by many companies and spread worldwide. However, enthusiastic overuse of a medicine can cause something to go wrong. In 1937, diethylene glycol used as a solvent of Prontosil killed 105 people in the USA due to renal toxicity (i.e., Massengill elixir tragedy). In those days, toxicity data was not necessary for medicines. After this tragedy, the USA introduced a new strict law and empowered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and many countries followed this action. Interestingly, this regulation changed the pharmaceutical industry. In order to obtain official approval for a new drug, companies require biologists, chemists and modern laboratories to obtain safety and effectiveness data. If they are unable to do this, they must change from new-drug manufacturers to over-the-counter or supplements manufacturer. The first strong medicine also changed the relationship between doctors and patients. Before sulfa drugs, doctors knew themselves to be powerless and were humble. But after the introduction of sulfa, they became self-confident against diseases and patients. Finally, Prontosil also reduced pessimism about medicines, dissipating the prevailing attitude that chemicals would never be able to cure most diseases. Thus, new pharmaceutical companies began utilizing the Bayer method to develop innovative drugs for treating many other diseases.
赤木 佳寿子 石居 人也
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.1, pp.83-91, 2020 (Released:2020-08-02)

[Objective] This treatise is a part of a study on how self-medication should be supported by pharmacists. Self-medication is gaining attention as the result of rising medical expenses in Japan. On the other hand, I think it is important for people to protect their health autonomously. We need to clarify how pharmacists, as professionals, support self-medication. [Methods] We researched the actual situation of placement medicines by reviewing 59 records from one of the placement medicine suppliers (Y) in former Niwa County, Aichi Prefecture. We focused on a placement medicine, because it is said that the medicine had played an important role as a form of self-medication during the Taisho to early-Showa eras before the establishment of Japanese national insurance. We reveal the name and the prescription of the medicine that was sold by the placement medicine supplier. [Results] The medicines managed by Y and how they were changed have been clarified. In addition, historical influences related to them were recognized. [Conclusions] (1) The company managed balanced home medicines. An investigation should be conducted to examine whether or not the list is generalized. (2) The Home Medicine Sales Act has changed private companies. Further investigations covering a wider area are required. (3) Article 6 of the Home Medicine Sales Act stipulates that sales are made by pharmacists. However, the pharmacist was not actually involved. An investigation should be made into why pharmacists were not needed on-site. (4) No effect of policy shift from invalid harmless to effective harmless. The impact of effective harmless policies should be investigated. (5) Quinine was commonly used. Knowing more will give us clues about illnesses and how people were treated at that time
五位野 政彦
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.56, no.1, pp.25-38, 2021 (Released:2021-08-07)

序論:明治時代には,ドパミン,モノアミンに基づく精神疾患用医薬品は存在していなかった.本研究では,明治時代の日本におけるに精神科医療においてどのような医薬品をどのような患者に使用していたかを調査した. 方法:次の資料を文献調査した.国立国会図書館デジタルライブラリー収蔵資料ならびにグーグルスカラー検索結果によるドイツ薬局方.これらは医学資料のみであり,薬局方を除いて薬学資料はない. 結果・考察:明治時代を通じて,日本の精神科医は日本の伝統的医薬品でなく欧州由来の医薬品を使用していた.これらの医薬品はドパミンやモノアミンに対する作用はなかった.しかしこれら医薬品は患者の休息や精神症状の遅延をもたらした.当時,精神科医が使用した医薬品の多くは麻酔薬ないし睡眠薬であった.とくに処方されたのはオピオイド(阿片,モルヒネ等),ベラドンナアルカロイド(スコポラミン等)あるいはハロゲン化合物であった.20 世紀初頭にバルビツレートならびに他睡眠薬が欧州の複数の製薬会社により開発された.これらにより精神科医は患者の治療を行うことが可能になった.精神科では脳内の血流が精神疾患を発症させると考えられていたため,ジギタリスのような強心薬を用いて血液循環の改善をはかった.日本の近代精神医学の父である呉秀三は,患者の人権保護を考慮し,治療方法の改革を行った.これら医薬品は呉の活動をサポートした.

4 0 0 0 OA 未来薬学論

奥田 潤
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.58, no.1, pp.52-55, 2023-06-30 (Released:2023-08-10)

1.時制から日本の薬学の時代を分類すると 1)過去薬学,2)近代薬学,3)現代薬学,4)未来薬学に分かれる. 2.未来薬学とは,現代薬学の後に来る薬学をいうが,過去,近代,現代薬学にも祈りなどの言葉を用いた未来薬学的記載が含まれる. 3.未来薬剤師とは,未来の特定の年代において,思いやりの心をもってその年代の薬物療法に精通し,増加する災害の防災や,不法輸入される覚醒剤の輸入・使用禁止の対策に協力することが望まれる. 4.近未来薬学のテーマの1つとして心の記載を提案した.
森本 和滋
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.52, no.1, pp.21-29, 2017 (Released:2020-08-09)

Frances Oldham was born on July 24, 1914 in the town of Cobble Hill on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. She passed away on August 7, 2015 at the age of 101. Frances attended Leinster Preparatory School in Shawnigan Lake and graduated at the age of 15. She then attended Victoria College and McGill University in Montreal, Canada, earning a Master's Degree in Science in 1935. In March 1936, Dr. Geiling opened a new laboratory of in the Pharmacology Department at the University of Chicago, USA, and Frances was fortunately accepted, creating her path to PhD studies. In September 1937, the sulfanilamide elixir tragedy involving the excipient diethylene glycol (DEG) occurred in the US, leading to 105 deaths. Dr. Geiling’s laboratory participated in the safety animal study, which involved the use of rats given DEG. Frances thought that, if by carefully work such animal studies, future tragedies could be avoided. In 1938, Frances earned a PhD with a thesis featuring the anatomy and pharmacology of the posterior pituitary gland of the nine-banded armadillo. In 1941, she started a new project entitled, The influence of pregnancy on the quinine oxidase of rabbit liver, which was carried out jointly with Dr. Fremont Ellis Kelsey. In 1943, the study was published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, and Frances married Fremont the same year. In 1946, Frances entered a medical school at the University of Chicago and graduated in 1950.She moved to South Dakota with her husband with two daughters in 1952, and started her internship in early 1953 at the Sacred Heart Hospital at Yankton. In August 1960, De. Frances Kelsey was appointed the newest medical officer of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). On September 12 of the same year, William S. Merrel Company submitted a new drug application (NDA) for thalidomide to the US FDA. As a medical officer, Frances had the primary responsibility for evaluating the clinical reports submitted with the NDA, with particular emphasis on safety. Her steadfast refusal to approve the application saved the lives of thousands of US babies. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy presented Dr. Frances Kelsey with an award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service for preventing thalidomide from being marketed in the US. In September 2010, the FDA honored her with an award named for her, and a promise from FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg, MD, that the agency will carry on Kelsey’s commitment to science and integrity. Beginning in 2010, some ethics education of training materials began being used to build a sense of mission and responsibility among Japanese pharmacy and medical students. Lessons learned from the lifetime of Dr. Frances Kelsey have received strong feedback from freshmen and sophomores taking related courses.
西原 正和
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.58, no.1, pp.10-17, 2023 (Released:2023-08-10)

目的:ホソバオケラは,生薬蒼朮の基原植物で,日本には江戸時代に渡来し,佐渡においても栽培されており,サドオケラという名前が残っている.しかし現在,佐渡において,植物としての「サドオケラ」だけでなく,その言葉自体を聞いたことがないという者がほとんどで,庭先で先祖が植えたとされる株がそのままの状態で残っており,その植物がホソバオケラということを初めて知るような状況である.そのため,なぜこのような状況に至ったのか,さらに詳細な調査を行うこととした. 方法:過去のホソバオケラに関する書物,文献,報告を再調査するとともに,佐渡の地域史,歴史書物等を調査した.また,これらの調査の中で得られた,佐渡においてホソバオケラを知っていると思われる関係者や現地の漢方生薬取扱薬局への聞き取り調査を,2019 年から 2022 年に行った. 結果:昭和期以降,佐渡におけるホソバオケラは,太平洋戦争中に供出されたことや,その後,増産を行うがホソバオケラの表面に析出したヒネソールやβ-オイデスモールなどの成分の結晶をカビと誤認されて廃棄され失敗に終わったこと,原種圃場の取り組みがうまくいかなかったことなどにより,現在は大規模な栽培が行われていないことを確認した. 結論:佐渡のホソバオケラは,昭和期にも栽培,出荷されていたが,その後の取り組みがうまくいかなかったことから,佐渡内ではその存在を知る者がほとんどおらず,このままでは佐渡内に現存するホソバオケラは消滅する可能性があることが明らかとなった.
野澤 直美 福島 康仁 高橋 孝 村橋 毅 高野 文英
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.56, no.2, pp.84-96, 2021 (Released:2022-02-24)

目的:硝石は,火薬の主要な原料であり,戦国時代から江戸の終わりまでのわが国において「古土法」,「培養法」,および「硝石丘法」と呼ばれる 3 種の製造法で硝石を生産していた.先の報告において「培養法」は,土中の豊富なアンモニア態窒素を利用して効率的に質の高い硝石を製造できる方法であることを科学的に明らかにした.本研究では,これら 3 種類の土をメタゲノムから比較した. 方法:硝酸イオン NO3– の生成に関連する硝化細菌に着目し,3 種の硝石製造法で用いる土中のバクテリア分 布を 16S rRNA 遺伝子を対象としたメタゲノム解析法で分析した.併せて土中の NO3– の濃度も測定し,これ らの結果を一般的な耕作地の畑土と比較した. 結果・考察:畑土では NO3– が検出されないが,それぞれの硝石製造に用いる 3 種類の土からは高濃度の NO3 –が検出された.これらの土について 16S rRNA メタゲノム解析を行った結果,「培養法」で用いる土(江戸期 の遺構土)は,「硝石丘法(牛糞堆肥で代用)」や畑土で見出される細菌叢と同じパターンが示された.対照的に,「古土法」で用いる土の菌叢は,他の 3 種類の土とは異なり Actinobacteria 門の細菌が菌叢全体の 97%を占めていた.Proteobacteria 門の細菌は,畑土で 30%,牛糞堆肥で 46%,合掌造り床下遺構土で 13%を占めるが,寺の床下土では 2%に過ぎなかった.硝化に関わる菌について菌叢同定を行ったところ,Nitrospira,Nitrobacter,JG37-AG-70 および Nitrosovibrio 属が畑土,合掌造り床下遺構土および牛糞堆肥で見出された.しかし,寺の床下土ではこれらの菌は全く検出できなかった.脱窒に関わる菌としては Rhodobacter 属,Pseudomonas属,Paracoccus属およびBacillus属の菌が見つかった.Nitrospiraに帰属されるOTUs(operational taxonomic units)のリード数は,合掌造り床下遺構土において最も高かった.以上の結果から,硝石製造法は,土中の細菌を巧みに利用して NO3– 濃度を高め硝石を作り出すための高度なバイオテクノロジーであることがわかった.