山田 茂 久野 敏行 中村 清隆 小原 正紀 加文字 幸雄 郷 義明
一般社団法人 口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.29, no.1, pp.51-56, 1979

小学校5学年男女, 78名を, 2群に分け, A群41名に, a歯みがき剤を, B群37名に, b歯みがき剤を, 1ヵ月間使用させ, その間における歯面清潔度と, PMA指数を, 調査した。<BR>実験集計終了後, A群は2.5% Chlorhexidine digluconate (以下CHDGと略称) 含有歯みがき剤, b群はPlaceboであることが判明した。使用歯みがき剤は, スイスHawe-Noes Dental社製のもの (商品名Plak Out) である。<BR>歯面清潔度は, 日数の経過と共に, 改善の傾向を示し, 15日後と, 30日後は, 1%の危険率でCHDG含有パスタ使用群が勝っていた。PMA指数は, 歯面清潔度ほど明確でなかったが, 日数の経過と共に, いくぶんCHDG含有パスタ使用群が優る傾向を示し, 30日後では, 5%の危険率で勝っていた。<BR>実験期間中は副作用を認めなかった。
勝沼 孝臣 渡沼 敏夫 加藤 義治 関 啓介 金子 貴広 村上 洋 清水 礼子 久野 敏行
公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 (ISSN:09146695)
vol.28, no.2, pp.168-174, 2015-06-30 (Released:2015-08-01)

The first requirement of implant treatment is to obtain sufficient bone quantity in the implant placement area. We have developed a method to obtain new bone and bone apposition nonsurgically using minor tooth movement (MTM) before insertion of implants. Here, we report two cases treated using this approach that both had satisfactory outcomes. Case 1 was a 46-year-old woman with insufficient vertical bone quantity in the area where the maxillary right first molar was lost. There was some distance between the root apex of the second premolar and maxillary sinus. In this case, the maxillary second premolar was distally moved to the area of tooth loss using MTM. The period of orthodontic treatment was 13 months. An implant was inserted in the original area in which the second premolar had been present. The superstructure was then placed on the implant. Four years have passed since this treatment and the outcome is satisfactory. Case 2 was a 29-year-old man with insufficient vertical bone quantity in the area where the maxillary right first molar had existed. The root apex of the second premolar touched the maxillary sinus. The maxillary second premolar was distally moved using MTM. The period of orthodontic treatment was 10 months. An implant was inserted into the newly made space and the superstructure was placed on the implant. Metamorphosis was observed in the remodeled bone wall of the maxillary sinus attached to the distal part of the moved maxillary second premolar. After three years and two months, the outcome is favorable. These two cases show that the MTM approach makes it possible to obtain new bone and bone apposition and to insert an implant in the newly made space in the original bone.