岡井 彰男 五十崎 俊介 山口 巧 田中 守 池川 嘉郎 末丸 克矢 荒木 博陽
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.30, no.1, pp.27-30, 2004-01-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

Triclofos sodium syrup (Tricloryl® syrup) is mainly used for pretreatment in EEG examinations and sedation before CT and MRI. The unpleasant taste of the syrup, however, occasionally causes compliance problems with children. As we had also experienced difficulties in obtaining sufficient supplies of this medicine for a few months, we prepared a chloral hydrate syrup in our hospital as a substitute for triclofos sodium syrup, aiming to reduce the unpleasant taste and smell of chloral hydrate in the process. Stability and sterility were also investigated. The results of a taste test in healthy volunteers showed that the taste and smell of a 4% chloral hydrate syrup were improved by using an apple flavor, aspartame and a simple syrup base. In our stability and sterility study under the storage condition of 4°C with shading over 6 months, the potency of the syrup was maintained (95 %) and there was no bacterial contamination. These results suggest that the 4% chloral hydrate syrup prepared in our hospital as a substitute for triclofos sodium syrup could improve the compliance of children.
末丸 克矢 山下 梨沙子 武市 佳己 山口 巧 公平 恵崇 岡本 千恵 五十崎 俊介 井門 敬子 田中 守 三好 裕二 守口 淑秀 池川 嘉郎 荒木 博陽
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.2, pp.139-145, 2006
11 18

We have been conducting a four-week practical hospital training course incorporating experience-oriented programs for fourth-year undergraduate students at Ehime University Hospital. There are 17 such programs in the curriculum among them instruction in the self-administration of insulin and bronchial asthma inhalers, nutrition support, drug counseling training using case-based learning procedures and role-play practice (CBL practice), and evidence based medicine (EBM practice) based on the provision of drug information. Self-learning exercises were devised for CBL and EBM practices. At the end of the practical hospital training course, we conducted a questionnaire survey concerning understandability, extent of previous understanding, training time, necessity of each program and degree of satisfaction with it. Analysis of the responses showed that student satisfaction with the practical training program was positively and significantly correlated with understandability (r=0.756, p<0.01) and degree of experience received (r=0.538, p<0.05). However, there was no correlation between satisfaction and previous understanding, training time or necessity. These results suggest that the experience-oriented programs enhanced students' understanding of the hospital practical training and also increased their satisfaction with it.