五十嵐 且治 木下 剛 田代 順孝
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.68, no.5, pp.763-768, 2005 (Released:2006-05-08)
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There have been many residents who want to live in super-high rise buildings from where wonderful birds eye vies could be enjoyed. They may intend to have quite new landscape experiences from their rooms, and this would initiate the demand of constructing more high rise buildings for residential use.This study reffere to the tendency of residents' preference of green spaces through analysis of landscape attitude of residents through evaluation of landscape values of green space seen from their own rooms in the said building. Research was conducted in the site of new development project of JHDC in Minatoku, Tokyo. The results may indicate that the values of green spaces should be evaluated by the degree of landscape preference in relation to the expectation of green spaces as sources of new urban landscapes and object of bird eye view experiences from inside the rooms. The height of rooms would be thought as key factors of sense of satisfaction to the landscape and green spaces to bee seen from the high rise rooms.When residents live in the room from where valuable parks and green spaces, they may satisfy the quality of green space and that would attract them to go to the green space and enjoy the environment there. The degree of looking down angle, 10 may degree in this case was considered as critical.