中村 美香 近藤 浩子 岩永 喜久子 今井 裕子 杉田 歩美 須川 美枝子 永井 弥生
北関東医学 (ISSN:13432826)
vol.66, no.4, pp.279-288, 2016-11-01 (Released:2017-01-18)
5 6

【目 的】 看護職がインシデント・アクシデントを繰り返し起こす要因を明らかにする. 【方 法】 インシデント・アクシデントに関する先行研究の質問項目を参考にして, 質問紙を作成した. 急性期病院1施設の看護職689名に対して, 無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施した. 対象者を6か月間のインシデント・アクシデントの頻度によって3群 (0回, 1~2回, 3回以上) に分け, インシデント・アクシデントに関連する質問の項目平均得点を比較した. 【結 果】 有効回答は461名 (有効回答率92.9%) であった. 「不安・緊張」, 「混乱」, 「抑うつ」, 「従順な性格特性」, 「判断力の不足」, 「連携不足」, 「過酷な勤務状況」, 「業務多忙」の8項目の項目平均得点は, インシデント・アクシデントが3回以上の群が有意に高かった (p<0.05~0.001). 【結 語】 看護職のインシデント・アクシデントの頻度は, これらの8項目と関連していた. よって, これらの項目はインシデント・アクシデントのリスクを把握するスクリーニング項目として活用可能であることが示唆された.
村上 温子 田中 美貴 今井 裕子
広島文化短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13483587)
vol.36, pp.31-37, 2003-07-31

At the request of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan during their 32nd summer seminar in Onomichi City, we organized the fashion show. The fashion show emphasized the use of denim fabrics made in Hiroshima Prefecture and pile fabrics made in Ehime prefecture. (September 5, 2001) 1. Since there was no time allowed for planning for the fashion show in the fashion course curriculum for enrollees in the year 2000, the teachers selected the materials to be used and decided on the theme 'Simple Modern Ethnic - Relaxation in City' for the fashion show. 2. As an assignment in apparel manufacturing, a lesson plan was developed in order to master the process from design to finish work under the agreed upon condition that the materials to be used are limited. 3. From the teachers' viewpoint, the image that the students cherished regarding the theme at the planning stage had a weak feeling in respect to relaxation, but had a powerful feeling relating to leisure wear. Since we had a new understanding that the younger generation sees relaxation as a situation in which body and mind are relaxed by actively enjoying something, we changed the subtitle of the show to 'Happy relaxation in City.' 4. Even though the rehearsals on summer holidays and the early morning activity on the day of the show were a difficult workload for them, the students fulfilled their roles in an orderly manor. We realized that the educational effect that this chance for presentation of their work would have to help heighten their desire to continue on in manufacturing. 5. Mr. Yuzuru Masuda, a guest speaker at this seminar from the Production and Industry Bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, suggested that manufacturing should get a higher evaluation. 6. In order to develop the educational effect pointed out in number 4 above from individual creativity into team creativity, we added fashion creation, promotion planning and make-up drills to the curriculum.この論文は国立情報学研究所の電子図書館事業により電子化されました。