山本 吉朗 今給黎 明大 飯盛 憲一
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society (ISSN:09136339)
vol.131, no.5, pp.671-678, 2011-05-01

An interior permanent magnet (IPM) motor drive system which has regenerating capability augmented by electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) is proposed. In the proposed system, EDLCs are arranged in series with batteries so that a lesser number of the EDLCs and batteries will be required. The proposed system has two bi-directional voltage boosters: one is for both the batteries and EDLCs to control the dc-link voltage of a PWM inverter and the other is for only the EDLCs and is used to control the energy flow from and to the EDLCs.<br>In this paper, a strategy to control the energy flow to and from the EDLCs is explained and its effectiveness is confirmed by simulation and experimental results. Furthermore, the efficiencies of the voltage booster, inverter, PM motor, and whole system are measured for the system with the basic configuration, i.e., which consists of only one bi-directional voltage booster and PWM inverter. Then, the steady-state characteristics are determined. Finally, the efficiency of the voltage boosters in the proposed system is determined, and the advantage of the proposed PM motor drive system is discussed.
今給黎 明大 徳永 英明 田邊 隼翔 小迫 雅裕 匹田 政幸
vol.2016, pp.111, 2016

自動車運搬船は,自動車が積み込まれている収納区間は危険区域とよばれコンセントを設けることができない。また,船内の居住区や船外の電気使用のためのコンセントについても設置スペース確保の問題と潮風による腐食の問題がある。非接触給電は,電力を伝送する際に接点がないため安全であり,金属部が外気に触れない構造を取れるため,腐食の問題も解決できる可能性がある。 本稿では,使用したい場合に自由にコンセントを取り外しできる非接触給電構造を提案し,システムの回路構成と各部動作についてシミュレーションにより検討した。また,船内の高調波規格を満たすため高調波低減方法についても検討したので報告する。