出村 克彦 伊藤 昭男 瀬戸 篤
農業経済研究 (ISSN:03873234)
vol.66, no.4, pp.192-201, 1995-03-28 (Released:2018-02-19)

This paper is a comparative study based on the 1985 edition of the International Input-Output Table, published by Japan's MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry), conducted to analyze the cost structure of the dairy industry in Japan, the USA, the UK and France using two analyses in the table. The first is a cost-share analysis in the dairy industry in the table. The second approach is a price simulation model. Both analyses are based on an aggregated Input-Output Table for eight industries. The results of the study in the four main industries indicate that, if Japanese dairy industry is to survive as the country opens its market, it must cut production costs in order to close the price gap between domestic and imported products. This, in turn, will require lower milk production costs as well as cost reductions in related sectors such as distribution and services. The results of the first analysis show that the Japanese dairy industry has a relatively low cost input structure; it is similar to France and the UK in terms of general costs. It has a low input structure compared with the USA, the UK and France in terms of the costs of raw materials (i.e. milk). With respect to the cost of services and distribution, the Japanese market has a high cost input structure compared with the other three countries. The second analysis is aimed at clarifying the effects of price fluctuations in individual sectors on the industry as a whole. Results indicate that Japan's influence to the price fluctuations in the milk production (material) sector is lower than that of USA, however, is larger than that of UK and France. In Japan, lower prices of raw materials have little impact on the retail price of dairy products, while cost reductions in other sectors such as manufacturing, services and distribution influence dairy products' end price.
因田 恭也 坪井 直哉 伊藤 昭男 辻 幸臣 山田 功 七里 守 吉田 幸彦 山田 健二 三輪 田悟 平山 治雄 前田 聰 栗山 康介
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.27, no.Supplement6, pp.54-60, 1995-10-25 (Released:2013-05-24)

村松 崇 坪井 直哉 吉田 幸彦 小椋 康弘 鈴木 博彦 山下 健太郎 海野 一雅 嶋野 祐之 松下 邦洋 七里 守 竹澤 博人 平山 治雄 伊藤 昭男 外山 淳治
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.36, no.3, pp.71-77, 2004

症例は65歳男性.慢性腎不全,下壁心筋梗塞の既往あり.慢性心不全の増悪で入退院を繰り返していた.2002年徐脈性心房細動のためVVIペースメーカー植え込み術を施行された.その後2003年3月から心不全が再増悪し,ドブタミン持続点滴から離脱困難となった.来院時BNPは1560,心エコー上LVDd78mm ,LVEF26%であった.両室ペーシング(BiV)の急性効果を検討したところ右室ペーシングと比較して,LVdP/dt maxが約41%改善した. 後日BiVへのupgrade手術を施行. 術後心不全は著明に軽快しドブタミンから容易に離脱可能となった.術後6日目にCL320msの非持続性心室頻拍(10連発)が1度のみ認められた.メキシレチン200mg/日を開始したところ以後心室頻拍は認められないため退院となった。退院後心不全症状はなく経過良好であったが2カ月後自宅で午睡中に突然心肺停止状態となり死亡した.経過から致死的不整脈が死因と考えられた.うっ血性心不全に対するBiV治療においてはICD機能付き両室ペースメーカーを必要とする症例が存在するが,その鑑別が重要と考えられる.