猪狩 賢蔵 鈴木 信也 関 博志 野村 嘉奈子 外園 弥生 吉田 蘭子 阪上 貴子 伊藤 智一 荒瀬 透 林 誠一
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.4, pp.179-184, 2021-04-10 (Released:2022-04-10)

Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) are common and unpleasant postoperative complications. Although guidelines recommend preventative measures according to PONV risk, anesthesiologists do not always follow the guidelines. In this study, we investigated whether the pharmacists’ proposal of a PONV prevention method to anesthesiologists in accordance with the guidelines affected the decision-making of anesthesiologists and subsequent PONV development. Two hundred and five patients who underwent gynecological surgery at Keiyu Hospital were included in this study, and the number of preventative measures selected by an anesthesiologist and frequency of PONV complications before and after the pharmacists’ intervention were determined. After the intervention, the number of preventative measures implemented by the anesthesiologist increased in the PONV moderate- and high-risk groups (P < 0.01) and incidence of PONV in patients decreased [odds ratio 0.362 (95% confidence interval 0.174 - 0.726) (P < 0.01)]. It is the intention of anesthesiologists for pharmacists to evaluate PONV risk and propose preventative measures that comply with guidelines to anesthesiologists. The results of this study show that the proposal of pharmacists on PONV prophylaxis affects anesthesiologists’ decision-making and is effective in preventing PONV.
八杉 昌宏 馬谷 誠二 鎌田十三郎 田畑 悠介 伊藤 智一 小宮 常康 湯淺 太一
情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO) (ISSN:18827802)
vol.42, no.11, pp.1-13, 2001-11-15

MIMD 型並列計算機における効率の良い並列処理のための,メソッドの実行時置換と構造化されたスレッドによる並列処理を特徴とするオブジェクト指向並列言語OPA を開発している.本論文では,その共有メモリ型並列計算機用のコード生成手法について述べる.コンパイル時には,オブジェクトへのメモリアクセスやコンテキストスイッチ時のメモリアクセスを削減するための解析を行う.また実装方式としては,プロセッサ間通信とスレッドスケジューリングにはlock-free バッファ管理方式,スレッド内スケジューリングには関数フレーム二重表現方式と値ベースサスペンドチェック方式,同期処理には重み付きカウント方式などを用いている.値ベースのチェックにより,1 呼び出しあたり1 分岐命令追加程度のオーバヘッドで高速なコンテキストスイッチを可能とした.We are developing an object-oriented parallel language OPA for effcient parallel processing on MIMD computers,which features dynamic method replacement and structured parallel processing using multiple threads.In this paper,the code generation techniques for shared-memory parallel computers are presented.The compiler performs analyses to reduce the memory access to objects and the memory access on context switches.The implementation techniques include a lock-free buffering method for inter-processor communication and thread scheduling,a double function-frame representation method and a value-based suspension check method for intra-thread scheduling,and an weighted counting method for synchronization.The value-based check enables fast context switches with small overhead for an additional branch instruction per call.