伊集院 敬行
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.66, no.2, pp.85-96, 2015-12-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

Inspired by a short story by Julio Cortazar's "Las babas del diablo" (1959), Michelangelo Antonioni both wrote and directed Blow-Up (1967). However for a lot of people, it seems that Blow-Up was loosely based on Cortazar's story. "Las babas del diablo" is a fantastic story. On the other hand, Blow-Up was regarded as 'absurd', like Antonioni's previous other existentialistic films. But, we can't overlook the uncanny atmosphere common to both works. According to Freud's "The Uncanny", a sense of the 'uncanny' derives from the anxiety caused by a repressed infantile 'castration complex'. Certainly we can find an oedipal scenario in "Las babas del diablo". In fact, Cortazar had been influenced deeply by Freud's writings and surrealistic literature. Furthermore, if we search for an oedipal complex in Blow-Up, we can notice this phenomenon. So, this paper tries to find the close relationship between these works from a psychoanalytic point of view, and to clarify that although Blow-Up does not follow the text of "Las babas del diablo" closely, Antonioni's adaptation shows his keen understandings of Cortazar's story.