柴原 一友 但馬 康宏 小谷 善行
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.47, no.12, pp.3328-3342, 2006-12-15

本論文では将棋を解く研究への布石として,引き分けを効率的に証明するためのGHI 問題回避法を提案し,3x4 の将棋の解を求めた.オセロや囲碁に比べ,将棋は小さな盤面に対する解を求める研究は少ない.将棋は局面がループするため,引き分けを含めた解を得ることが困難である.そこで,詰将棋で効果をあげたPDS 探索を用いて,効率的に引き分けを証明する方法を提案する.実験の結果,3x4 将棋のすべての解を得た.We obtained all the solutions of 3x4 Shogi by using a new proof number search method to deal with GHI problem in terms of proving draw effectively. It is a stepping stone to solve Shogi. There are few researches about solution of small Shogi compared with othello and Go. It has difficulty to obtain solutions, especially draw, because search trees of Shogi have many cycles. We propose the method that efficiently prove the draw by using PDS search which has beneficial effects in tsume Shogi. As a result, it solved all initial positions of 3x4 Shogi.