石山 育朗 鈴木 政登 松原 茂 滝口 俊男 工藤 照三 鈴木 義久 佐藤 吉永
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.8, no.1, pp.42-52, 1998-06-25 (Released:2010-07-21)

本研究は, ガム咀嚼時の自律神経機能を調べるため, 心拍数 (HR), R-R間隔の変動係数 (CVRR), 指尖容積脈波 (PTG) の波高 (WH) と変動係数 (CVwH), 血漿カテコールアミン (pAd, pNorad) 濃度等を指標に用い, ガム咀嚼時の各指標の変化を観察した.被験者は健康な男性11名 (年齢24.5±4.1歳) であった. 実験は被験者を閉眼仰臥位にして行い, 硬さの異なる3種のガム (I, soft; II, semi-hard; II, super-hard) を用い, 毎秒1回のリズムでガムIから順にそれぞれ6分間咀嚼させ, 間に6分間の休息をとった. HR, PTGの記録は, 安静時, 各ガムの咀嚼開始時, 咀嚼終了2分前, 咀嚼終了直後および4分後と, ガムIII咀嚼終了10分後に記録した. 採血は留置翼状針を介し安静時, 各ガムの咀嚼直後とガムIII咀嚼終了10分後に行った. その結果, HRはガム咀嚼時に-過性に増加し, CVRRは硬いガム咀嚼時に安静値より低下, 咀嚼直後休息時に上昇した. WHはガム咀嚼時に低下し, 咀嚼後休息時も数分間低値が持続, CVWHはガム咀嚼開始時に安静値より上昇した. ガム咀嚼直後のpAd, pNorad濃度は上昇し, pNorad濃度はガム咀嚼実験終了10分後も高値を示した.以上の結果から, ガム咀嚼時には交感神経活動の亢進, 末梢血管の収縮が起こり, 全身運動時とは異なる調節機序が推察された. ガム咀嚼終了後の休息時と回復期には副交感神経活動が亢進するが, 末梢血管系等への交感神経活動も弱い亢進状態が持続することが示唆された.
塚本 博康 倉又 哲夫 柏村 進一郎 水上 直樹 佐藤 吉永 石川 久史 志村 進
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.4, no.1, pp.33-39, 1994-12-25 (Released:2010-07-21)

It is very important to prevent train drivers from falling into drowsiness during train operation. Most of drivers have tried various devices to keep up arousal level such as openig the window, standing up, loud speaking during train operation, but they say that nothing was effective. We have considered that we need to study the problem systematically in seeking for any effective method. We already have established the evaluation method for determination of arousal level synthesizing skin potential level and blinking rate, and compared the effects of gum chewing, listening to music, light physical exercise, etc.This time, we take up the gum chewing as one of the effective devices and prepare a gum with components having both arousal effect and special flavor. To confirm its arousal effect, we compare the effect of this special gum with the gumbase and the marketed gum (BB-gum). A total of 10 subjects, five males and five females, are examined. Three subjects a day are submitted to 30 minutes of gum chewing for evaluation of their arousal levels.Results indicate that the arousal effect of the special gum remains at the highest level for 30 minutes, but the gumbase drops immediately to the lowest level, and that of the BB-gum yields the same effect as the gumbase in 18 minutes of chewing.It has been well known that the arousal effect of gum comes from the movement stimulus of chewing muscles, but it can be said from the results of experiment that components having arousal effect and special flavor in the special gum are more effective in maintaining the arousal level than the movement stimulus of chewing muscles.
鈴木 政登 柴田 柾樹 佐藤 吉永
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.2, no.1, pp.55-62, 1992-12-25 (Released:2010-07-21)

To measure energy consumption during the process of chewing gum, and to investigate the effects of gum-chewing on levels of sugar and lipids in blood and pituitary - adrenal hormones concentrations in plasma, a study was designed in which nine healthy male volunteers chewed two pieces of marketed gum (6.18g;E-gum) for ten minutes with a chewing rhythm of about 80 times per minute while oxygen intake (VO2) and heart rate (HR) were measured continuously for 30 minutes before (rest period), during the 10 minutes (chewing period) and for 30 minutes after chewing (recovery period). Blood samples were drawn before, immediately after, 10 minutes and 30 minutes after gum-chewing via a catheter introduced into the brachial vein for measurements of blood sugar (BS), FFA, TG plasma ACTH, plasma adrenaline (pAd), noradrenaline (pNorad), and insulin (IRI) concentrations. Two pieces of the control gum (1.30 g; C-gum), a gum base containing no additional elements and harder than E-gum, were also chewed in the same manner as the E-gum. Both E- and C-experiments were carried out continuously in the sitting position and fasting state in no particular order, separately, during a different period between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
遠藤 敏夫 手塚 七五郎 佐藤 吉永
交通医学 (ISSN:00225274)
vol.36, no.3, pp.p195-204, 1982-05
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