遠山 泰崇 佐藤 雄己 鈴木 陽介 田辺 三思 竹中 隆一 和田 伸介 石井 圭亮 伊東 弘樹
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.8, pp.594-599, 2015-08-10 (Released:2016-08-10)

We report the cases of 10 patients with acute lithium intoxication who were treated over the past 6 years. The range of lithium overdose was 600 mg to 9,600 mg and the lithium concentration of all cases was greater than the toxic concentration. Three of the 10 cases were treated with fluid therapy. Another 3 cases were treated with continuous hemodiafiltration (CHDF). The rest were treated with hemodialysis (HD). The serum lithium concentration of the 3 patients with fluid therapy gradually decreased. However, it took 24 hours after the treatment to reach the therapeutic level in Case 2 since the slope was comparatively loose. In the meantime, the high lithium concentration of patients with CHDF (Cases 4, 8, 10) and HD rapidly decreased and it finally reached the therapeutic level. But a post-dialysis rebound effect in the lithium concentration was detected in Case 9. This report shows that CHDF and HD is an effective and sufficient treatment for lowering the serum concentration of lithium in a short period in acute lithium toxicity. As the serum lithium concentration of a patient with HD often rebounds and repeated or prolonged treatment may be required, we reaffirmed the patient's condition. Thus, completion of HD should be judged based on not only serum lithium concentration but also sufficient observation of the clinical course.
小野 寛之 佐藤 雄己 大山 展弘 中原 良介 倉成 正恵 伊東 弘樹
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.1, pp.7-12, 2016 (Released:2016-06-13)

Background: Because generic medicines reduce the financial burden on patients and medical insurance providers, they become more popular year after year.  However, there are still few reports that analyze the efficacy and safety of generic medicines, especially in terms of their characteristics and side effects.Methods: Paclitaxel is an antineoplastic frequently used with good results in the treatment of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, gastric cancer, and angiosarcoma, but fat solubility is high and various kinds of adverse events, such as myelosuppression and arthralgia, peripheral neuropathy, and alcohol hypersensitivity are known to develop.  We investigated the efficacy, characteristics, and the incidence of adverse events for the generic product of paclitaxel.Results: Differences were found for the generic version in terms of the characteristics and preparation time.Conclusion: The incidence of adverse events was not significant, suggesting that the generic version could be a reasonable substitute.
佐藤 雄己
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.143, no.3, pp.120-125, 2014 (Released:2014-03-10)

大建中湯は消化管術後イレウスや過敏性腸症候群に対して臨床的有用性の高い漢方方剤として知られている.動物を用いた基礎的検討により,本剤はモルヒネ誘発性の消化管障害に対して改善効果を示すことが報告されている.また大建中湯の主要な薬理作用は消化管運動亢進作用と腸管粘膜血流増加作用であり,その作用機序として消化管ペプチドの関与が報告されている.しかしながら現在まで担がん患者のモルヒネ誘発性便秘に対する大建中湯の臨床効果と消化管ペプチドとの関連については不明なままである.本研究では,モルヒネ誘発性便秘を有する担がん患者を対象として大建中湯の効果および消化管機能を反映する5種の消化管ペプチドの血漿中濃度に与える効果について検討した.対象はがん性疼痛に対してモルヒネ治療後に便秘を生じた7名の担がん患者で,大建中湯投与前後における各消化管ペプチドの血漿中濃度を高感度酵素免疫測定法により測定した.また,消化器症状への効果については大建中湯投与前後のGastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale(GSRS)質問表により検討した.モルヒネ誘発性便秘に対する大建中湯の効果について検討した結果では,大建中湯の投与によりGSRSの便秘サブスコアは7例中4例で有意に低下した.次にGSRS便秘サブスコアが改善した有効群と,変化がなかった無効群で血漿中消化管ペプチド濃度を比較した.その結果,両群ともに健常人と比較して血漿中モチリン濃度は有意に低値であったが,大建中湯投与後,有効群では健常人と同程度の濃度まで上昇し,無効群と比較して有意な上昇が認められた.一方,血漿中calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP)濃度も有効群で上昇傾向が認められた.以上の結果から,大建中湯のモルヒネ誘発性便秘への作用は,発現時間および臨床症状ともに血漿中モチリンの変動によってよく説明されるものであり,大建中湯の臨床効果との関連が示唆された.