松本 睦子 俵 由美子 濵井 和子 齋藤 愛 大田 奈緒 島谷 智彦
広島国際大学看護学ジャーナル (ISSN:13495917)
vol.14, no.1, pp.3-17, 2017

我々は、笑顔での介護介入後に対象者のLF/HF(交感神経活動)が有意に抑制され、HF(副交感神経活動)が有意に増加することを報告した。本研究では、SC(皮膚コンダクタンス)を分析に加え、LF/HFとSCが同様の反応を示すかどうか検討した。さらに、笑顔での看護介入がもたらす自律神経活動の変化に男女差があるかどうかを明らかにする目的で、対象者34名(男性18名 ,女性16名)の心拍変動とSCのデータを男女別に比較した。安静時のLF/HFと心拍数は、男性が女性より有意に高値で、HFは男性が女性より有意に低値であった。LF/HFとSCは看護介入時に一過性上昇を示したが、ベースラインに戻るまでの時間に違いがあった。笑顔介入後のLF/HF,SC,心拍数,呼吸数は、男性より女性が有意に高値であり、HFは男性より女性が有意に低値であった。これらのことから、心拍変動とSCの応答には男女差があり、男性のほうが笑顔の介入でリラクセーション効果を得やすいことが示唆された。 We reported that LF/HF ratio (the index of sympathetic nerve activities)was significantly decreased by the nursing intervention with expression of smile,and HF(the index of parasympathetic nerve activities)was significantly increased by nurse's smile.In this study,we analyzed the skin conductance (SC) to determine whether the response in SC shows a similar time course to that in LF/HF. In addition,to clarify the relationship with gender differences and the changes in autonomic nerve activities caused by nurse's smile,the data of heart rate variability (HRV) and SC were evaluated in 34 healthy subjects(18 men and 16 women).The baseline value of LF/HF and heart rate (HR) in men were significantly higher than those in women,and the value of HF in men was lower than that in women.LF/HF and SC showed the transitory increase during nursing intervention .After the intervention ,LF/HF recovered quickly to the baseline level while SC returned slowly to that level.LF/HF,SC,HR,and respiration rate in men were significantly lower than those in women after the nursing intervention with smile.On the other hand ,the value of HF in men was higher than that in women.The responses in HRV and SC were different between men and women.The nursing intervention with smile may produce an effect on the relaxation in men rather than women.