笠 純華 倉内 祐樹 田中 理紗子 春田 牧人 笹川 清隆 関 貴弘 太田 淳 香月 博志
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学会年会要旨集 第94回日本薬理学会年会 (ISSN:24354953)
pp.3-P1-07, 2021 (Released:2021-03-21)

Migraine is a common neurovascular disorder characterized by severe headaches and is associated with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Notably, some patients who have migraine seem to be more sensitive to changes in the weather such as atmospheric pressure and humidity. Here, we investigated the effect of Goreisan, a traditional Kampo medicine used to treat headaches, on the cerebral blood flow (CBF) dynamics by using implantable CMOS imaging device for detecting hemodynamic signal in female meteoropathy model mice. Moreover, we evaluated the effect of loxoprofen, an analgesic used to treat headaches, on the CBF changes and compared it to the effect of Goreisan. To reproduce the change of the weather, atmospheric pressure was lowered by 50 hPa and kept this level for 1 h and it was returned to the previous level. We observed the increase in CBF during low atmospheric pressure, which was prevented by Goreisan (1 g/kg, p.o.) as well as loxoprofen (4 mg/kg, p.o.). Although CBF gradually recovered to baseline after returning to normal atmospheric pressure, Goreisan, but not loxoprofen, lowered CBF below baseline. These results suggest that Goreisan is the headache therapeutic drug with a different action profile from loxoprofen in that it has a mechanism to actively reduce cerebral blood flow.
倉内 祐樹
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.54, no.4, pp.356, 2018 (Released:2018-04-01)

「寝る子は育つ」,「果報は寝て待て」,「早起きは三文の徳」などのことわざにもあるように,睡眠は私たちの生活に必要不可欠なイベントである.しかし,現代の24時間型生活スタイルや多忙に伴う睡眠サイクルの乱れは睡眠の質を低下させ,日本のみならず諸外国でも生活の質(Quality of life)を著しく低下させる原因となっている.睡眠不足は仕事能率の低下,うつ病や認知症,循環器系疾患のリスクを高めることが知られているが,睡眠不足の健康への影響は未だ不明な点が多い.本稿では,睡眠不足が疼痛感受性を亢進させることを実証したAlexandreらの論文を紹介する.なお,本稿は下記の文献に基づいて,その研究成果を紹介するものである.1) Fossum I. N. et al., Behav. Sleep Med., 12, 343-357(2014).2) Luyster F. S. et al., Sleep, 35, 727-734(2012).3) Alexandre C. et al., Nat. Med., 23, 768-774(2017).