入口 慎史 今井 徹 吉田 善一 折井 孝男
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.5, pp.745-751, 2015 (Released:2015-05-01)
2 6

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of vancomycin (VCM) is recommended to minimize its nephrotoxicity and maximize efficacy. Recently, the concept of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) has been introduced to describe a clinical state resulting from the actions of complex intrinsic mediators in an acute-phase systemic response. However, there are few reports on the pharmacokinetics of VCM in patients with SIRS. This study investigated the effect of SIRS on the pharmacokinetics of VCM by analyzing the predictability of TDM and pharmacokinetic parameters in 31 non-SIRS patients and 52 SIRS patients, with stratification by SIRS score. The mean prediction error (ME) and mean absolute prediction error in SIRS score 2 and 3 patients differed from those in non-SIRS patients. The ME in the score 4 group showed a negative value. In the comparison of pharmacokinetic parameters by SIRS score, a significantly lower CLvcm value was observed at score 4 compared with scores 2 and 3, a higher Vd value was observed at score 4 compared with non-SIRS and at score 3, and a longer T1/2 was observed at score 2. In the comparison of patient characteristics by SIRS score, albumin, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase levels showed differences among the scores. However, no correlation was observed between VCM pharmacokinetics and these three laboratory parameters. These findings suggest that the pharmacokinetics of VCM may be affected by the pathology of SIRS rather than by patient characteristics.
入口 慎史 今井 徹 田中 昌代 田沼 道也 折井 孝男 加藤 敏明
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.9, pp.1117-1127, 2017 (Released:2017-09-01)

We conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the influence of antifungal spectrum on the effectiveness and adverse events of empirical antifungal therapy for febrile neutropenia. We searched PubMed and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Central), and identified randomized controlled trials reporting mortality, efficacy, adverse events, and hepatic and renal dysfunction. Five trials assessed the efficacy and adverse events of agents with antifungal spectrum covering and those not covering Aspergillus. There were no differences in mortality [risk ratio (RR); 0.79, 95% confidence interval (Cl); 0.60-1.02], efficacy ratio (RR; 1.01, 95%Cl; 0.91-1.12), adverse event ratio (RR; 0.23, 95%Cl; 0.04-1.23), and hepatic dysfunction ratio (RR; 0.81, 95%Cl; 0.59-1.12) between two groups. Antifungals with no activity against Aspergillus were associated with lower renal dysfunction ratio (RR; 0.27, 95%Cl; 0.10-0.71). Five trials compared agents with antifungal spectrum covering versus those not covering Mucor. There were no difference in mortality (RR; 1.24, 95%Cl; 0.98-1.57), efficacy ratio (RR; 1.09, 95%Cl; 0.91-1.30), and hepatic dysfunction ratio (RR; 0.98, 95%Cl; 0.66-1.45) between two groups. Antifungals with no activity against Mucor were associated with lower adverse event ratio (RR; 0.60, 95%Cl; 0.47-0.77) and renal dysfunction ratio (RR; 0.25, 95%Cl; 0.13-0.49). Presence or absence of activity against Aspergillus or Mucor is not associated with mortality or efficacy ratio. Amphotericin B with activity against Aspergillus and Mucor has a higher adverse event ratio. Depending on the case, selection of antifungal drugs considering efficacy and side effects is necessary.