小沢 行雄 小元 敬男 八木 鶴平 米谷 恒春
vol.34, pp.1-20, 1978-12-20

The National Research Center for Disaster Prevention carried out a five-year hail suppression research project ending in 1972. A rocket system was developed for cloud seeding. In the system, the rocket was to be launched from a mobile launcher reaching 6000--7000m above the ground, and completely burned away in the air during its falling time after seeding. The number of effective nuclei produced by the AgI composite loaded was more than 10^<12> (per gram of AgI) at -10℃. Results of field experiments using the rockets were presented at the Seminar of Cumulonimbus Modification of Tropical Nature (Miami, USA, 15--19 Feb. 1971) and International Conference on Weather Modification (Tashkent, USSR, 1--7 Oct. 1973). Manuscripts for these are reprinted here at the end of this report, with the abstract of a paper on effectiveness measurement for the AgI composite.