都司 嘉宣 白 雲燮 秋 教昇 安 希洙
vol.90, pp.1-96, 1985-01-14

At 12h00m, 26th May 1983, a large earthquake with magnitude 7.7 broke out off the coast of the Akita Prefecture, the north-east part of the Honshu Island, Japan. Accompanying with the earthquake a huge tsunami with height of 14 meters in maximum hit the coasts of Japan. Just 100 persons were killed due to the tsunami in Japan. About 90 minutes after the outbreaking of the earthquake, the tsunami reached to the east coast of the Korean Peninsula. Tsunami with inundation height of 5 meters was observed on Ullung Is. Tsunami also seriously attacked the mainland of Korea after 14h. Two fishermen were lost, and two persons were injured at Imwon Port. Wondok Town, Kangwon-do, where tsunami height of 3.6-4.0m was recorded, fishing boats rushed into the residential area, and a gas oil tank with volume of 130, 000 litters was carried by about 10 meter. One person was killed at Tonghae City. The amount of damage in the Republic of Korea is about 400 milion won (about 500 thousand US dollars). The initial movement of the sea level was upwards on the tide gauge records at Pusan. Ulsan, Mukho (Tonghae City), Sokch'o, and Chodong (Ullung Island), but only at P'ohang port downwards initial movement was recorded. The Kamuizaki-Oki Earthquake Tsunami of 1940-VIII-2 (M=7.5) also traversed the Japan Sea, and weaker tsunami with height of 0.5-2.0m recorded on the east coasts of the Korean Peninsula. Witnesses of this tsunami were newly discovered at Uljin Town, Kyongsang-Pukdo, and on Ullung Island, and tsunami of about 2 meters hit these places. The record of the Tsunami of the Kampo Earthquake (1741-VIII-29, M=7.5), which occurred off the south-west coast of Hokkaido Island and about 1, 500 persons were killed in Japan, was also newly discovered in the diary of the Choson Dynasty, and it was clarified that the tsunami hit the whole coasts of Kangwondo, where houses were swept and boats were destroyed. It is suggested that Yamato Rise, which is located in the center region of the Japan Sea, took a role of a lens on the propagation of these tsunamis. In the present paper the detailed report edited by Baek (1983) and studies on tsunamis and sea level anomalies made by Chu (1983) are introduced in chapters 2 and 3, respectively. Articles of the Nihonkai-Chubu Earthquake Tsunami on the Korean papers, and of historical earthquake tsunamis in old documents are mentioned in chapter 4 and 5, respectively. In chapter 6 old records of tidal waves are introduced.
小沢 行雄 小元 敬男 八木 鶴平 米谷 恒春
vol.34, pp.1-20, 1978-12-20

The National Research Center for Disaster Prevention carried out a five-year hail suppression research project ending in 1972. A rocket system was developed for cloud seeding. In the system, the rocket was to be launched from a mobile launcher reaching 6000--7000m above the ground, and completely burned away in the air during its falling time after seeding. The number of effective nuclei produced by the AgI composite loaded was more than 10^<12> (per gram of AgI) at -10℃. Results of field experiments using the rockets were presented at the Seminar of Cumulonimbus Modification of Tropical Nature (Miami, USA, 15--19 Feb. 1971) and International Conference on Weather Modification (Tashkent, USSR, 1--7 Oct. 1973). Manuscripts for these are reprinted here at the end of this report, with the abstract of a paper on effectiveness measurement for the AgI composite.
有賀 世治 水谷 武司
vol.13, pp.19-49, 1971-03-30

1966年9月25日, 中型台風26号は高速で北上, 御前崎に上陸し, 北進したが, 深海に面する駿河湾沿岸一帯にまれにみる高波を生ぜしめた. これによって湾奥部の吉原, 富士海岸の海岸堤防を中心に全面的な越流が起こり, かなりの延長にわたり堤防および護岸が破壊し, 背後地の民家などに予期しがたい多くの被害を与えた. そしてわが国の外洋性海岸の防護のあり方について, また, 周期の長い波浪の見積りについて, 示唆するところが多かった. 国立防災科学技術センターでは, 災害直後, 関係研究機関と協議し, その要望にこたえて, 被災海岸一帯にわたり, 精密な航空写真(カラーおよびパンクロ)を撮影し図化し, また, 海浜の汀線および深浅測量を実施するほか, 海岸地形, 気象, 被災状況に関する資料を収集し, 一部解析を行ないつつ, 建設, 運輸, 農林各省の海岸堤防復旧もしくは改良事業の推進に役立たしめた. 本文は海岸災害の概況, 災害前後の地形変化, 特に越波の状況を記述し, 次いで湾奥の特異な潮位変化と波浪について, 関係機関の観測資料を基にして整理し, 海岸保全計画について若干の意見を述べたものである. さらに事後ではあるが, 建設, 運輸両省の研究機関の行なった資料分析の成果と, 模型実験の成果について比較することとした.
西川 泰
vol.13, pp.3-17, 1971-03-30

昭和41年台風26号の際に, 山梨県, 静岡県を中心にした山くずれの形態は, 地質条件ならびに雨量条件に対応した特徴を示している. 西湖北側に発生した山くずれは雨量との関係が最も深く, その他の地域の山くずれは降雨が契機となっているが地質構造との関係が深い. 西湖北側において, 山くずれによる土石流の規模が必ずしも大きくなかったが, 古くから開けていた集落に大打撃を与えたことは, 砂防ダムの効能の変化, 河川流路の改変など人為的な防災事業の限界を示したものと思われ, また, 山地災害における免疫期間の切れる機構を解明するかぎを与えているものである.