前沢 秀憲 中島 伍雄
社団法人 日本写真学会
日本写真学会誌 (ISSN:03695662)
vol.28, no.4, pp.173-178, 1965-01-31 (Released:2011-08-11)

In the previous report we described the fundamental characteristics of selenium photocell which is used for the zero adjust system in the camera with exposure meter. And it was concluded that for the purpose of this, it is desirable for internal series resistance γs to be low and for parallel resistance γp to be high.In this report we have discussed the manufacturing process which decide the value of γs and γp of selenium photocell. The contact surface between the selenium and the base metal, the quality of selenium, the shape of electrode, the sputtering condition of cadmium, etc. wnich influence the resistances of cell were discussed. In general we can settle the values of γs and γp independently: but in some cases there is a certain reciprocity, in which case it is necessary to select the most appropriate condition.
前沢 秀憲 中島 伍雄
社団法人 日本写真学会
日本写真学会誌 (ISSN:03695662)
vol.28, no.1, pp.13-20, 1965-05-15 (Released:2011-08-11)

Recently it is usual for most cameras to possess a photocell in obtaining a suitable time of exposure. In these cases two kinds of system are used. One of these is a zero adjust system, in which a variable resistance is adjusted so as to get a constant current flow in an ammeter which is connected to the cell with series and parallel resistance. The second system is a so called E. E. system, in which a diaphragm of the camera is moved by connecting it with the axis of the ammeter, so a suitable exposure is given automatically.In this research we wish to discuss the selenium photovoltaic cell which is used in the zero adjust system and in this report (1) we have discussed the fundamental theory on zero adjust system and a manufacturing process of selenium photovoltaic cell. We have also discussed the characteristics of cell which are required for this purpose, and have arrived at the following conclussions.(1) There are several electric circuits which can be used in zero adjust system, but we selected the most suitable circuits from the point of view of linear relation between the illumination and the photocurrent.(2) After discussion on the characteristics of photocell we came to a conclusion that it is desirable to obtain a manufacturing process by which the parallel resistance of cell is increased and the series resistance is decreased.
村瀬 弘 中嶋 正敏 伊藤 幸郎 島本 達夫 小川 小夜 前沢 秀憲
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.62, no.7, pp.765-769, 1973

膵十二指腸動脈瘤を術前に診断し,摘出に成功した1例を報告する.膵十二指腸動脈瘤の報告は,今日までに18例にすぎず,希な疾患とされている.手術成功例は9例,術前診断例は2例である.本邦ではまだ報告がなく,本症例が第1例である.患者は48才の主婦.生来健康であったが,昭和47年5月頃から腰痛が続く.近医で第3腰推右側の直径約3cmの半円形石灰化像より腹部大動脈瘤を疑われ,8月31日に当科受診した.胸部,腹部に異常所見はなく,血圧142/84.検査では,血清アミラーゼ値の一過性異常, PS試験で膵外分泌能低下,糖負荷試験で糖尿病型を示すほか,とくに異常はなかつた.動脈撮影で,前下および前上膵十二指腸動脈におのおの1個の動脈瘤を認めた.前下膵十二指腸動脈瘤壁は,前記石灰化像と一致した. 11月30日開腹し, 2個の動脈瘤を摘出した.ともに動脈硬化性であつた.術後は一過性に膵液のうつ帯をきたしたが,以後の経過は良好で,昭和48年2月13日に退院した.