山元 翔 橋本 拓也 神戸 健寛 吉田 裕太 前田 一誠 平嶋 宗
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J99-D, no.2, pp.232-235, 2016-02-01

中原 忠男 前田 一誠 山口 武志 岡崎 正和 影山 和也
環太平洋大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of International Pacific University (ISSN:1882479X)
vol.12, pp.237-249, 2018-03-21

While division is one of the crucial concepts in elementary mathematics, it is hard to understand it. Thus, various research tasks have been tackled so far. We as a research team have investigated the following three tasks: 1) developing the survey which consists of a set of problems that enable to clarify the actual conditions of children’s construction of division concepts comprehensively and systematically, 2) revealing the actual conditions of children’s construction of division concepts based on the survey, and raising the research tasks on the teaching and learning of division, and 3) through examining those research tasks, proposing our alternatives for improving the teaching and learning of division concepts based on multi-world paradigm. In this paper we propose our final research findings by reflecting on our whole studies until now in a comprehensive way according to the following three steps. First, we give a general description of the perspective of multi-world paradigm as our theoretical background. Next, we overview our research results on the above 1) and 2) which have already been published. Finally we examine our alternatives for improving the teaching and learning based on the multi-world paradigm, which will become our final research findings, where we will emphasize the importance of meaningconstruction and tool-construction on division concepts.
山口 武志 影山 和也 中原 忠男 岡崎 正和 前田 一誠
数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌 (ISSN:13412620)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1-20, 2017-01-27 (Released:2019-01-17)

It is still very difficult for children to understand the meaning of division although various efforts for the improvement of teaching division have been implemented. Therefore overall researches which both capture difficulties and misconceptions of various kinds of division systematically and propose better way of teaching and learning of it to overcome them are required. From this perspective, as the first step of our research, we developed six sets of test of division, for fifth and sixth graders in the elementary school and first graders in the junior high school, which could reveal difficulties of understanding the meaning of division systematically. In six sets of test, various factors of story problems of division which will be expected to affect the percentage of correct answers, such as effect of the order or value of the dividend and the divisor, effect of figures, number lines, word expressions, key words and so on, were taken into account. It is the main reason for us to develop new tests why most of previous test or studies of division only focused on specific grade or specific kind of division such as division with fractions which children have difficulties. We conducted the longitudinal and cross-sectional survey with six tests for children at both elementary schools and junior high schools located in three prefectures: Okayama, Hiroshima and Kagoshima. This article reported results of children’s performance of solving problems of “partitive division and the extension of its meaning”, and analyzed children’s difficulties and misconceptions of them in terms of various factors of story problems of division.
山元 翔 赤尾 優希 室津 光貴 前田 一誠 林 雄介 平嶋 宗
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J100-D, no.1, pp.60-69, 2017-01-01

前田 一誠 平嶋 宗 市村 広樹
学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 (ISSN:13465104)
no.42, pp.21-27, 2014-03-24

小学1年生の加減算文章題を対象とした作問学習支援システム「モンサクンTouch」は,一般教室での複数回にわたる利用実験で成果を上げている。本稿では,2年生乗算の領域における課題及びシステムの設計開発について報告する。乗除算文章題の数量は,基準量・割合・比較量で構成されており,問題解決の際にはこれらの適切な抽出および適切な関係づけが重要である。そこで,2年生においては比の第2用法「基準量×割合=比較量」を定着させることを基本とし,課題の設計を行った。We developed the learning environment for problem posing that can be solved by one-step addition or subtraction arithmetic word problems in the first grade of elementary school. We confirmed that the environment is effective for learning word problems by performing experimental use of the software in a standard classroom. In this study, we describe the design of tasks for problem posing in the field of multiplication in the second grade of elementary school, and the development of a learning environment for multiplication. The arithmetic word problems that can be solved by one-step multiplication or division consist of base quantity, ratio, and compared quantity. The learner must elicit these quantities from the problem and consider the relationship between these quantities while solving. Therefore, we designed the task of problem posing for learning the word problem based on "base quantity x proportion = compared quantity" called the "second usage of ratio" in second grade.
前田 一誠 小山 正孝 松浦 武人 宮崎 理恵 見浦 佳葉
学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 (ISSN:13465104)
no.39, pp.335-340, 2010

本研究は, 授業において算数を学習していく際の創造性に焦点を当て, その育成のあり方を理論的・実践的に解明しようとするものである。本研究では, 複数の事柄を関連づけて新しいものつくりだすはたらきを創造性ととらえる。そして, とりわけ, 算数学習において, 子どもたちにとって新しく, 妥当性や普遍性をもつものがつくられていく思考過程に着目している。そのため本研究は, 子どもの思考過程を, 個人的側面と対話活動を中心とした社会的側面の両面を視野に入れて研究し, これからの算数教育における創造性の育成のあり方に対する示唆を導出しようとするものである。本年度は, 理論的研究を主とし, 算数教育における創造性に関する文献研究を行った。また, 実践的研究としては, 算数学習において子どもの創造性がどのように育まれていくかを, 授業記録をもとに, 明らかにしようとした。