松本 美富士 前田 伸治 玉腰 暁子 西岡 久寿樹
一般社団法人 日本臨床リウマチ学会
臨床リウマチ (ISSN:09148760)
vol.18, no.1, pp.87-92, 2006-03-30 (Released:2016-12-30)

Fibromyalgia (FN) is a common rheumatic disorder in American and European populations. In Japan, however, FM is not a well-accepted concept because it is a poorly recognized disorder. Epidemiological findings of Japanese patients with FM are still unclear due to a lack of nationwide epidemiological surveys. We conducted the first nationwide epidemiological survey for FM in Japan. The estimated annual number of patients diagnosed and treated in hospitals was 2,670 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1,850-3,490), and the number of patients treated by Japanese rheumatologists was 3,930 (95% CI 3, 220-4,640). Only 31.7% (734/2,313) of Japanese rheumatologists could diagnose the patient as having FM. The age distribution was from 11 to 84, with an average age of 52.3±16.2 years of age and 3.6% of them were in their childhood. The estimated onset ages were 44.0±16.1 (9-76) years, and the time elapsed from onset to the survey date was 4.7±6.7 (0-50) years. The male to female ratio was 1: 4.8, and primary FM to secondary FM ratio was 3.1: 1. Among secondary FM cases, underling disorders were as follows: rheumatoid arthritis (35.5%), other rheumatic disorders (44.1%) and others (20.4%). The Japanese patients were treated by rheumatology clinics and physicians. Most of the patients were outpatients, and only 12.5% were hospitalized. For one year, the rate of recovery from FM was only 1.5%, and a half of the patients had poor activity in daily life. These findings show that only a small portion of FM patients would be received medical management in Japan.
河合 秀樹 大野 淳 岩下 由佳 横井 朋子 中尾 彰宏 山本 順一郎 前田 伸治 坂野 章吾 尾崎 行男
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.42, no.9, pp.1212-1218, 2010 (Released:2012-04-21)

症例は68歳, 男性. 2008年8月ころより下腿浮腫, 2009年4月に入り浮腫増強, 発熱, 労作時息切れを認め, 同月下旬, 当院内科初診. 著明な心嚢水および両側胸水を認め, 同日精査加療目的で入院. 入院後, 胸腔・心嚢穿刺そのほか, 各種精査行うも原因不明. 採血にて抗核抗体1,280倍, 抗DNA抗体300倍など, 膠原病を示唆する所見を認めたが, 臨床的には非典型的であった. 診断的治療目的で抗生物質, 次いで, 抗結核薬を投与するも奏効せず, 感染性漿膜炎は否定的と考えた. 各種検査結果と臨床経過より, 稀な疾患ではあるが高齢発症ループスの可能性が高いと考え, ステロイド投与を開始したところ, 徐々に症状改善し, 心嚢水, 胸水とも減少を認めた. 各種精査を行っても原因のはっきりしない漿膜炎にたびたび遭遇するが, その中に本疾患が潜在している可能性があると考えられる.