吉田 侑矢 辻 琢己 細田 敦規 河野 武幸 久保 貞也 佐竹 正人 難波 洋 瀬野 智美 前田 定秋
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.5, pp.288-298, 2012-05-10 (Released:2013-05-10)
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In the future, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs for chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, may partly replace prescription drugs, and pharmacists will be required to advise patients on the proper use of these drugs. At present, the curriculum unit “Learn over the counter” is a part of the model core curriculum of the pharmacy practice externship. However, there is a gap between the general instructional objective (GIO) of this unit and the occupational ability of current pharmacists. To fill the gap, it is necessary to create a new instructional program on campus as a part of the 6-year pharmacy education program. We have developed a new approach that includes specific behavioral objectives (SBOs) for OTC, supplements and health consultation. The effectiveness of this approach was evaluated by means of a questionnaire survey and a text-mining approach based on free description. The results indicated that pharmacy students realized the importance of self-medication. In addition, they understood the responsibility of pharmacists in relation to the prevention of disease onset, the provision of advice on appropriate OTC drugs, interaction with the patient and provision of drug information. We consider that our approach will be helpful to educate pharmacists about the need to promote effective self-medication.