大坪 達弥 辻 琢己 梅山 貴生 首藤 みほ 米須 香那 松本 美菜子 吉田 侑矢 坂野 理絵 友金 幹視 藤田 敦夫 河野 武幸 三上 正
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.3, pp.363-369, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-03-01)
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Local venous pain caused by dacarbazine (DTIC) injection is due to its photodegradation product 5-diazoimidazole-4-carboxamide (Diazo-IC). The production of Diazo-IC can be decreased by protecting the drug from light. Furthermore, the production of Diazo-IC reportedly increases with time; however, there are no studies reporting the association between the injection preparation time and local venous pain caused by the DTIC injection. We evaluated the efficacy of the following: (1) method used to shorten the injection preparation time and (2) method used to change the diluting solution for DTIC. We found that shortening the injection preparation time tended to decrease the local venous pain expression due to DTIC, and Veen F decreased the production of Diazo-IC compared with the normal saline and 5% glucose solution. These results indicate that shortening the injection preparation time may be effective in preventing the local venous pain caused by the DTIC injection; moreover, using Veen F for DTIC may also reduce the pain.
栗尾 和佐子 小西 元美 奥野 智史 中尾 晃幸 木村 朋紀 辻 琢己 山室 晶子 山本 祐実 西川 智絵 柳田 一夫 安原 智久 河野 武幸 荻田 喜代一 曽根 知道
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.11, pp.1199-1208, 2014 (Released:2014-11-01)
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The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Setsunan University, offers the Self-improvement and Participatory Career Development Education Program: Internship and Volunteer Training Experience for Pharmacy Students to third-year students. We previously reported that the training experience was effective in cultivating important attributes among students, such as a willingness to learn the aims of pharmacists, an awareness of their own role as healthcare workers, and a desire to reflect on their future careers and lives. A follow-up survey of the participants was carried out three years after the training experience. The questionnaire verified that the training experience affected attendance at subsequent lectures and course determination after graduation. We confirmed the relationship between the participants' degree of satisfaction with the training experience and increased motivation for attending subsequent lectures. Through the training experience, participants discovered future targets and subjects of study. In addition, they became more interested in subsequent classroom lessons and their future. The greater the participants' degree of satisfaction with their training experience, the more interest they took in practical training and future courses. The present study clarified that the training experience was effective in cultivating important attributes such as a willingness to learn and an interest in future courses. Moreover, the training positively affected the course determination after graduation.
辻 琢己 吉田 侑矢 河野 武幸
医学教育 (ISSN:03869644)
vol.44, no.3, pp.121-131, 2013-06-25 (Released:2015-07-06)

背景 : 薬剤師養成を目的とした6年制薬学部の多くでフィジカルアセスメント実習が行われている.方法 : 薬剤師の職能創成や学びのモチベーションの向上に対する本実習の有用性を明らかとするため,実習前後で生じた学生の意識変化をアンケート形式で調査し,自由記述内容をテキストマイニングで解析した.結果 : フィジカルアセスメントに関する技能を持たない学生に本実習を実施した結果,本実習で修得した知識や技能が薬剤師に必要であると考える学生が有意に増加し,学びのモチベーションも向上した.考察 : 本実習は,積極的に薬物治療に貢献することの重要性を認識させるだけでなく,学びのモチベーションの向上にも繋がると考えられた.
吉田 侑矢 辻 琢己 細田 敦規 河野 武幸 久保 貞也 佐竹 正人 難波 洋 瀬野 智美 前田 定秋
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.5, pp.288-298, 2012-05-10 (Released:2013-05-10)
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In the future, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs for chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, may partly replace prescription drugs, and pharmacists will be required to advise patients on the proper use of these drugs. At present, the curriculum unit “Learn over the counter” is a part of the model core curriculum of the pharmacy practice externship. However, there is a gap between the general instructional objective (GIO) of this unit and the occupational ability of current pharmacists. To fill the gap, it is necessary to create a new instructional program on campus as a part of the 6-year pharmacy education program. We have developed a new approach that includes specific behavioral objectives (SBOs) for OTC, supplements and health consultation. The effectiveness of this approach was evaluated by means of a questionnaire survey and a text-mining approach based on free description. The results indicated that pharmacy students realized the importance of self-medication. In addition, they understood the responsibility of pharmacists in relation to the prevention of disease onset, the provision of advice on appropriate OTC drugs, interaction with the patient and provision of drug information. We consider that our approach will be helpful to educate pharmacists about the need to promote effective self-medication.