長元 法喜 水田 博志 坂本 憲史 坂田 浩章 久保田 健治 甲斐 功一 北川 敏夫 井上 誠一 沼田 亨 大島 隆志
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.36, no.4, pp.1213-1216, 1988-04-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

Fifteen cases with ruptures of musculotendinous juncture of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle which occurred during sports activities were studied. Of these cases, 7 were males and 8 were females. The mean age was 36 years and 6 months with ages ranging from 15 to 56.Six of these cases were involved in track-and-field events, three in volleyball, two in softball, two in badminton, one in judo and one in recreational game. Prodromic symptoms such as dull aching of the affected leg were seen in 8 cases. All cases were injured in a position of the ankle joint in dorsiflexion with the knee joint in extension.Conservative treatments resulted in a satisfactory recovery of their activities of daily living in all cases.The results indicated that prophylactic stretching is of value for preventing this injury, especially in middle-aged players.
山鹿 眞紀夫 高木 克公 森沢 佳三 井手 淳二 生田 拓也 北川 敏夫 鬼木 泰博 山隈 維昭
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.12, no.2, pp.129-133, 1988-08-10 (Released:2012-11-20)

Neurovascular compression in the thoracic outlet produces great variation of signs and symptoms. The clinical picture is often complex, being made up of the derangement of blood vessels, somatic nerves and autonomic nervous networks in varying degrees. Thirty-eight of the 150 patients (25%) treated in our clinic because of possible thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), complained of general malaise such as headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, nausea, anorexia or general fatigue, in addition to their peculiar signs and symptoms due to brachial plexus involvement.In order to find out whether or not autonomic nerve dysfunction can be demonstrated in patients with TOS, a non-invasive and quantitative technique was developed for assessing the mean (M) and coefficient of variations (CV) of R-R intervals in ECG at resting position. Thirty patients (13-39; mean 29.5 y/o) were put into two groups of 15 patient s each. In the first group patients with autonomic nerve disorder had complaints of general discomfort, M was 803.72 ± 106.9 msec and CV was 3.214±0.717%. In the second group, those without general discomfort, M was 972.21 ± 120.64 msec and CV was 5.926±0.720%. The first group had a significantly shorter M (P < 0.001) and smaller CV (P < 0.001) compared to the second group. Furthermore, in two cases in the first group diagnosed by psychologists as having schizophrenia and anxiety neurosis, it was found that their M and CV were the nearly same as those in the second group.Decompressive ope r a tions were performed on five patients in the first group. Their complaints decreased or vanished after the operation and the M and CV progressed to near the normal rate.From these results, we belive that this method in useful in differentiating between autonomic nervous disorders and psychological disorders; and that in patients with TOS, a decompressive operation can help eliminate complaints of general discomfort due to autonomic nervous disorders.
井手 淳二 森沢 佳三 山鹿 真紀夫 北川 敏夫
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.12, no.1, pp.91-94, 1988-08-10 (Released:2012-11-20)

We have determined the effectiveness of muscular strengthening exercises of the rotator muscles for shoulder instability. These exercises are one of the conservative treatments for shoulder instability.As of y et, there have only been a few reports about the effectiveness of this procedure due to lack of data. So we have attemped to clarify this treatment and its effect. In this study, we will report on 11 cases-19 shoulders with inferior and/or multidirectional instability and 3 cases-3 shoulders with recurrent anterior dislocation.All the patients began isometric rehabilitation exercises and followed up using a Cybex machine and a grading system. As a result, we found muscular strengthening exercises to be effective and useful in 75% of the patients with inferior and/or multidirectional instability. Patients with recurrent anterior dislocation also had a good rate of response. However the success and effectiveness of this technique has certain limitations.We should first try muscular strengthening exercises of the rotator muscles in the treatment of shoulder instability.
坂田 浩章 水田 博志 白石 稔 北川 敏夫 大島 隆志
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.36, no.2, pp.347-349, 1987-10-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

Traumatic myositis ossificans is well known to occur in the muscle hematoma as a result of a contusion or a strain.An 18-year-old male of traumatic myosits ossificans after contusion on his right anterior thigh while playing rugby football was reported. Five and seven days after the first injury he played rugby football and reinjured the same area. Three weeks after the reinjury he had increased anterior thigh pain and limited motion of the knee. When examined, the right quardriceps was tender and swollen in the antero-mid thigh. Flexion of the knee was about 80 degrees due to pain. Roentgenograms showed linear and cloudy calcification in the quardriceps muscle. His knee was immobilized, and he was given a non-steroid antiinflamatory agent for two weeks. After pain relief rehabilitation began with exercise to increase the range of motion. Four months after the first injury, the patient had no pain and limitation of knee flexion.Adolescents actively involved in contact sports are at risk for muscle trauma, which can results in myositis ossificans. The development of traumatic myositis ossificans is related to the severity of the quardriceps contusion.Recognition and appropriate therapy can reduce the associate disability.