北田 了介
經濟學論究 (ISSN:02868032)
vol.58, no.4, pp.89-107, 2005-03-20

Michel Foucault(1926-1984), in his last years, was interested in the problems of the subjectivation. For him they included the important themes of 'the care of the self' and parrhesia. At the College de France in 1982, Foucault, on the one hand, delivered the lectures on 'the care of the self, which in Greco-Roman society took the form of ethical behavior and comprehended the new ideas of the subject. The lectures delivered by Foucault at the University of California at Berkeley in 1983 were, on the other hand, devoted to the studies of the Greek notion of parrhesia. Parrhesia, or free speech (franc-parler), requires not only that the speaker (parrhesiastes) should make his own ideas manifestly clear and obvious, but also that he should run the risk of telling the real truth. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between 'the care of the self' and parrhesia, in order to explore how these two notions are linked to his particular idea of 'governmentality (gouvernementalite)', which treats the problems ranging from the relationship of any individuals to those concerning the exercise of political sovereignty.
北田 了介
関西学院経済学研究 (ISSN:02876914)
vol.31, pp.123-141, 2000-12-20