左高 真理雄 原田 元 岡崎 幸紀 竹本 忠良 飯田 洋三 榊 信広 小田原 満 永富 裕二 斉藤 満 後藤 一紀 竹内 一憲 多田 正弘
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.24, no.5, pp.739-744_1, 1982

胃Xanthomaの発生機序をうかがうため,その背景粘膜との関係に注目し,内視鏡的コンゴーレッド法,メチレンブルー染色法および直視下生検を行ない,内視鏡学的,組織学的に胃Xanthomaの発生胃粘膜について検討した. その結果,Xanthomaは萎縮性胃炎の高度な胃に多く存在するが,萎縮性胃炎の比較的軽度と思われる胃粘膜にも少数ながら存在した.さらに,コンゴーレッド変色帯内にも75個中4個(5.4%)存在した.この4個の胃底腺領域のXanthomaを検討すると,Xanthoma上皮および周囲粘膜に組織学的にも軽度ないし中等度の萎縮性変化が認められ,胃底腺領域内といえども萎縮性胃炎を発生母地としていることも示唆された.また,Xantho-ma上皮および近接粘膜は腸上皮化生がみられないか,軽度である例が多く,Xanthomaの発生には腸上皮化生は関係しないと考えた.
中川 清隆 松山 寛子 原田 元 二神 成一 谷藤 泰正 天木 嘉清 古幡 博
医科器械学 (ISSN:0385440X)
vol.76, no.3, pp.83-89, 2006-03-01

The Jikei University Hospital is located about 600m from the Tokyo Tower in the central area of Tokyo. This means that the patients and staff members of the hospital may be exposed to strong electromagnetic field intensities (EMFI) radiated from the tower antenna and to various telecommunication EMFI that exist in a large city like Tokyo. EMFI was measured at eight points of the hospital buildings facing the tower. Two types of antenna were used to cover the frequency range from 30MHz to 1.5GHz. EMFI was calculated from every peak value in the frequency spectrum recorded logarithmically. Every peak intensity was less then 2μW/cm at the maximum of the whole spectrum, which is a much lower value than the standard value specified by the Japanese 'Radio Radiation Protection Guidelines For the Human Body in Electromagnetic Fields'. Additionally the total value of the whole spectrum was less than 6μW/cm at all eight points. It is concluded from these actual results of measurement that our hospital does not need to perform any urgent safety measures to protect patients and staff members from the various electromagnetic environments, including strong broadcasting waves from Tokyo Tower.