原田 耕太郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.2, pp.104-110, 2013

It is expected in existing theories that bias suppression, known to be a procedural justice norm (Leventhal, 1980), has a positive influence on perceived fairness and that egocentric bias causes perceivers to make a positive response to favorable outcomes more than to unfavorable ones. In addition, we tend to exhibit egocentric bias when unfavorable outcomes emerge; an interaction between the favorability of an outcome and egocentric bias is therefore to be expected. That is, perceived fairness would be lower in unfavorable outcome without bias suppression than in others. For the sake of meeting expectations, we have availed ourselves of modified scenarios from Study 1 of De Cremer (2004). Sixty undergraduate students participated in this study, of whom 55 were analyzed. Almost all of the results are to meet expectations. It can be considered that procedural justice might be superior to egocentric bias in perceived fairness; however, the influence of egocentric bias should not be disregarded.
原田 耕太郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.2, pp.143-152, 2009

It has generally been expected that inconsistent judgments would have a negative influence on their perceived fairness, and that egocentric bias would force perceivers to make a more positive response to favorable outcomes than to unfavorable ones. In consequence, perceivers with favorable outcomes derived from inconsistent judgments would impair the perceived fairness less than perceivers with unfavorable outcomes. Thus, we can anticipate that this interaction would also be observed in the case of perception of the judge, for the perceived fairness can be considered to correlate with perception of the judge. We had under graduate students (N=270) participating in this study. The results of Analysis 1 supported the effect of consistent judgments, though it did not show the effect of egocentric bias and the interaction we had expected so far. However, the result of Analysis 2, employing a stratified correlation analysis, revealed that egocentric bias could be observed in the perceivers with unfavorable outcomes derived from inconsistent judgments. These findings suggest that framing could be a factor in the appearance of egocentric bias.
原田 耕太郎
The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.42, no.1, pp.1-11, 2002-09-30 (Released:2010-06-04)

報酬分配場面において, 分配者は, 多くの場合, 公正な報酬分配を行うよう動機づけられていると考えてよいであろう。本研究の目的は, 分配者による報酬分配の公正認知が低い場合に公正認知が高い場合と比べて, 言語メッセージの量が多くなり, なかでも, 被分配者にとって心理的報酬となるような内容の言語メッセージが多くなるという予測を検討することである。本研究では, 分配者による報酬分配の公正認知を, 被分配者の業績, 能力, 努力の量的相違と, 分配者-被分配者の交換関係継続の有無によって, 操作した。大学生122名が実験に参加した。実験の結果, 被分配者間に能力差がある条件の方が, 能力差が無い条件と比べて, 分配者による報酬分配の公正認知が低かった。また, これらの条件間で, メッセージの量に差はみられなかったが, 前者よりも後者の条件で, 被分配者にとって心理的報酬となるような内容の言語メッセージが多く観察された。さらに, このような言語メッセージの使用と公正認知との関連性が示唆された。しかし, 言語メッセージ使用による公正さの向上の程度は, 有意傾向であった。
原田 耕太郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.2, pp.104-110, 2013-01-20 (Released:2017-03-02)

It is expected in existing theories that bias suppression, known to be a procedural justice norm (Leventhal, 1980), has a positive influence on perceived fairness and that egocentric bias causes perceivers to make a positive response to favorable outcomes more than to unfavorable ones. In addition, we tend to exhibit egocentric bias when unfavorable outcomes emerge; an interaction between the favorability of an outcome and egocentric bias is therefore to be expected. That is, perceived fairness would be lower in unfavorable outcome without bias suppression than in others. For the sake of meeting expectations, we have availed ourselves of modified scenarios from Study 1 of De Cremer (2004). Sixty undergraduate students participated in this study, of whom 55 were analyzed. Almost all of the results are to meet expectations. It can be considered that procedural justice might be superior to egocentric bias in perceived fairness; however, the influence of egocentric bias should not be disregarded.