徳本 静代 武井 直已 瀬川 和幸 毛利 久夫 古前 敏明
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.59, no.4, pp.381-388, 1985

1976~1983年の間, 広島県の一看護i学校に在籍した女子学生941名 (延1,939名, 18~24歳) を対象に各年1回HBV関連抗原・抗体を追跡調査し, HBV感受性者の動向と健康者集団でのHBV水平感染の実態を血清学的に検討した.<BR>延対象のHBs抗原陽性率 (RPHA法, EIA法) は1.7%, HBs抗体陽性率 (PHA法) は14.7%で, これらを3力年移動平均でみると前者が1.4~2.1%の間でほぼ横ばいの, 後者が18.7~10.4%で年々1~ 2%の減少の傾向を示した.学科別では第2臨床看護i学科 (夜間部, 昼間は医療業務に従事) のHBs抗体陽性率19.1%は臨床看護学科の11.0%に比較して有意に高率 (x2test, p<0.01) であった.<BR>1学年時のHBs抗体陽性率は調査前半 (1976~1979年) が16.3%, 後半 (1980~1983年) が9.3%で, 入学前のHBV感染状況は減少の傾向を示した.学科別では第2臨床看護学科が有意な低下 (X<SUP>2</SUP>test, p<0.05) を示していた.<BR>一方, HBe抗原陽性carrierは6名認められた.しかしながら対象内のHBV水平感染については, 調査期間中に3例 (0.4%, 1: 265) の新感染例を確認したがそらが対象集団内における水平感染であるとする証拠は血清学的な追跡からも, 在籍調査からも得られなかった.<BR>なお, 200倍希釈血清におけるHBc抗体価 (EIA法) はcarrierではIH%90%以上であり, 感染初期ではIH%30%以下であった.
古前 敏明
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.8, no.1, pp.22-33, 1958-02-25 (Released:2010-03-16)

The attempt to type Coxsackie viruses isolated from the fecal specimens of cases with Guillain-Barré syndrome had disclosed relevant two strains Dohi (A-19) and Okumoto (A-2) in 1952. Further studies were made on 7 cases in 1953. Three strains Inaba (A-2), Kamada (A-2+A-5) and Saragai (B-1) were obtained in suckling mice. Pathogenicity of Inaba and Kamada strains revealed flaccid paralysis up to mice 10 days old with the finding of the generalized involvement of muscle. In contrast, Saragai strain exhibited spastic paralysis and tremor together with occasional cramp or jaundice up to mice 4 days old, and pathology revealed the involvement of fat tissue, pancreas, CNS, liver and muscle respectively.Seven paired sera were concomitantly challenged with Inaba, Kamada, Kamada 2 (A-5), and Saragai strains in a measure of neutralization and complement fixation. Case 2 showed a rise in neutralizing antibody levels against A-2, and case 3 & 7 had the rise in B-1 titer. But case 1, 4 & 7 revealed a high titer against A-2 in the initial serum and a specimen taken in the convalescent stage showed the same titer. Case 5 & 6 being twin brothers of age 14 were with negative reading in titer. By and large, C-F antibodies appeared earlier in the acute sera and fall in the convalescent stadium. But in the cases with negative virus isolation, except for case 7 in Saragai strain, it seemed that the correlation of the results of C-F tests with those of the neutralization tests was obscure.The significance of these agents in relation to the Guillain-Barré syndrome abundantly encountered in Okayama prefecture during 1952-53 would remain to await further investigation.