津保 勝郎 吉川 望海 野津 史彦 秋田 泰 高山 昇 上砂 敏之 福島 淑隆 三田村 圭二
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
消化器内視鏡の進歩:Progress of Digestive Endoscopy (ISSN:03899403)
vol.45, pp.234-235, 1994

A 37-year-old male heavy drinker was admitted to our hospital because of epigastralgia and back pain. He had been treated under the diagnosis of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis at his first admission. He had been addicted to alcohol and admitted to our hospital four times within two and a half year. ERCP finding at first admission had showed localized stenosis of the mein pancreatic duct (MPD) at the head of pancreas and dilatation of the distal pancreatic duct.<br> At his fourth admission after two and a half years, however, ERCP showed severe stenosis of MPD and protein plug at the head, irregular dilatation of MPD at the distal portion of the head and obstruction of MPD at the body to tail and calcification at the tail of pancreas. However pancreatic endocrine and exocrine functions were still not so severely disterbed. Alcoholic pancreatitis progresses by the continuous intake of alcohol and the abstinence from drinking is import to prohibit progression of pancreatitis.
臼井 充郎 宮本 二一 山田 浩隆 吉川 望海 八田 善夫 石井 博 小池 正
The Showa University Society
昭和医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00374342)
vol.51, no.5, pp.563-567, 1991

症例は81歳, 女性.貧血, 便秘を主訴に入院した.注腸X線造影にてS状結腸から下行結腸にかけ約18cmの腸管狭窄像を認めた.CFにては, 肛門輪より12cmの部位に周提形成し, 同部位より口側には挿入不可能であった.生検でGoupVのため, 左半結腸切除, 高位前方切除術施行した.切除標本では, 狭窄部の肛門側に浸潤潰瘍型大腸癌が認められ, 正常部をはさみ, stricture typeの閉塞性大腸炎が口側に認められた.<BR>本症例は, 既往歴にmicroangiopathyを惹起するような疾患はなく, 入院一カ月前に突然の腹痛はあったものの, 下血, 下痢等の閉塞性大腸炎の典型的な症状を欠いていた.大腸癌の口側に発症した閉塞性大腸炎が, stricture typeであり, 非可逆性変化を起こしていた場合は, びまん浸潤型大腸癌との鑑別は困難であり, その診断には, 細心の注意が必要である.