小西 恵美子 小野 道実 小泉 彰 河内 典子 吉沢 康雄
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.4, no.4, pp.594-602, 1969 (Released:2010-03-15)

In spite of the increasing use of electron microscopes, very few considerations have been given to the emission of radiation from the equipment. This is mainly due to the fact that the radiation is emmitted as “an unwanted by-product”of the equipment. Radiation surveys were carried out on twelve epuipments of Japanese manufacture. Informations obtained from the surveys were;1) Radiation leakage was observed from eight equipments.2) Electron gun, viewing window and photo-chamber were main locations where radiation leakage was observed.3) Structural defects in the equipment were important causes of radiation leakage.Following opinions were offered from a health physics standpoint;1) The equipment is required to be constructed and installed so as to provide adequate protection.2) A legalistic radiation safety standard is neededfor theequipment manufacturer.3) In a radiation safety program, it is important to obviate any radiation leakage rather than to assess the doses liable to be incurred.
吉沢 康雄 草間 朋子
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.11, no.2, pp.123-128, 1976 (Released:2010-02-25)
5 13

Various questions arise in the application of ICRP “Standard Man” values to Japanese. One of the questions is that “Standard Man” values of the thyroid are different from normal Japanese values. A systematic survey of past reports was carried out with a view to search for normal Japanese values of the thyroid. The subjects of search were weight, iodine content and iodine uptake rate (fW) of the thyroid. These are important factors in the estimation of the radiation dose of the thyroid caused by internal contamination of radioiodine, and are foreseen to have the difference between Japanese and “Standard Man.” The result of study suggested that the weight of the thyroid of normal Japanese is about 19g for adult male and about 17g for adult female, and that the iodine content is 12-22mg and iodine uptake rate (fW) is about 0.2.