青山 英康 大平 昌彦 太田 武夫 吉岡 信一 吉田 健男 大原 啓志 和気 健三 柳楽 翼 五島 正規 小野 昭雄 藤田 征男 合田 節子 深見 郁子 板野 猛虎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.25, no.5, pp.468-471, 1970-12-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

The authors have already reported the results of epidemiological studies of SMON in the town of Yubara, Japan.Recently, the Ministry of Health and Welfare ordered pharmaceutical companies to stop production and sale of all drugs containing chinoform, since it was revealed by the Committee on SMON that attack rates of SMON could be related to ingestion of chinoform.The authors compared the attack rate of persons who had taken chinoform with that of persons who had not.It was noted that the morbidity of gastrointestinal diseases and allergic diseases among SMON patients was higher than that of the control group.Results are as follows:1. SMON patients had not taken chinoform at home.2. SMON patients usually had taken less medication for their gastrointestinal diseases than the control group, in spite of a higher morbidity of gastrointestinal diseases among them than that of the control group.3. Accordingly, the increased attack rate of SMON might be related to administration of chinoform while in the hospital and not related to ingestion at home.4. Chinoform is a very popular drug. For this reason careful attention must be given to dosage and method of administration as well as indications to determine relationship in the etiology of SMON.5. Careful attention should also be given to the physical conditions of patients being treated with chinoform.6. If persons in the control group were subjected to a detailed investigation there is some possibility many may be found to be using chinoform contained medications.
大平 昌彦 青山 英康 吉岡 信一 加藤 尚司 太田 武夫 吉田 健男 長谷井 祥男 大原 啓志 上畑 鉄之丞 中村 仁志 和気 健三 柳楽 翼 五島 正規 合田 節子 深見 郁子 板野 猛虎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.24, no.5-6, pp.502-509, 1970-02-28 (Released:2009-08-24)

In a restricted area of the northern part of Okayama Prefecture, Yubara Town, an outbreak of SMON (subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy) was observed from the beginning of 1967. An epidemiological investigation has been made on this outbreak and the results are as follows:(1) Concentration of cases occurred in the summer of 1968, though cases have been reported sporadically in the area from the beginning of 1967. The incidence ratio against the population was 659/100, 000 during 22 months.(2) The incidence was the highest in summer and the ratio in females was 3 times higher than in males. Concerning age group, males showed a peak in the thirties, whereas in females many cases were evident between the twenties and sixties.(3) Relatively enclosed districts are apt to expand over a period of time. Cases which occurred in neighboring families as well as those within the same families tend to give the impression that the disease coule be infectious.(4) Among the cases, a close contact relation was observed.(5) Physical exhaustion before the onset of the disease was observed to be 43.2% among the total cases.(6) In occupational analysis, a higher rate was revealed among workers who had close human relations such as hospital workers and public service personnel.(7) The tendency to other diseases of the nervous system as well as those of the digestive organs was checked by inspecting receipts of the National Health Insurance from the beginning of 1965. Nothing related to SMON was recognized before the outbreak.(8) Diseases of the intestinal tract and tonsillitis were observed in higher rates in the history of the patients.(9) The investigation of environmental conditions has revealed the fact that there is a higher rate of incidence in families who do not use service water compared to those who do.